Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2021

Investor activity in chinese financial institutions: A precursor to economic sustainability, Rob Kim Marjerison, Chungil Chae, and Shitong Li

The nexus of social cause interest and entrepreneurial mindset: Driving socioeconomic sustainability, Rob Kim Marjerison, Rongjuan Chen, and Yinan Lin

The Dilemma of Brick-and-Mortar Bookstores: An Exploration of Trends, Consumer Motives and Perceptions, and Possible Paths to Sustainability, Rob Kim Marjerison, Gui Yiwen, and Hao Jin

Introduction: The state of play in clinical sport psychology, Donald R. Marks, Andrew T. Wolanin, and Kendahl M. Shortway

Looking downfield: Future directions for clinical sport psychology, Donald R. Marks, Andrew T. Wolanin, and Kendahl M. Shortway

The routledge handbook of clinical sport psychology, Donald R. Marks, Andrew T. Wolanin, and Kendahl M. Shortway

Citrullination of Proteins as a Specific Response Mechanism in Plants, Claudius Marondedze, Giuliano Elia, Ludivine Thomas, Aloysius Wong, and Chris Gehring

Foreword by Graham Mckay, Graham McKay

Psychosocial impact of ocular surface allergic inflammatory disorders, Sivanne Mendelson, Jaime Quintanilla, Matthew R. Norris, and Leonard Bielory

First record: Dendroidichnites (D. irregulare) in Late Triassic marginal lacustrine deposits of the Passaic Formation, west-central New Jersey, Robert Metz

Scratch circle from the Passaic Formation (Late Triassic), West-Central New Jersey, Robert Metz

Alcohol stress on cyanobacterial membranes: New insights revealed by transcriptomics, Kirill S. Mironov, Elena V. Kupriyanova, Maria Shumskaya, and Dmitry A. Los

Cross-cultural effects on graphical password memorability and design, Mona Mohamed, Tobin Porterfield, and Joyram Chakraborty

Broadening Participation in Computer Science through Sheltered Instruction Pedagogy, Patricia Morreale, Mayra Bachrach, and Gail Verdi

Faculty Development for Research Inclusion: Virtual Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Patricia Morreale, Ann C. Gates, Elsa Q. Villa, and Sarah Hug

Framework for a Growth Mindset Classroom, Patricia Morreale, J. Jenny Li, Ching Yu Huang, Daehan Kwak, Jean Chu, Yulia Kumar, and Paolien Wang

Accelerated Muscle Recovery in Baseball Pitchers Using Phase Change Material Cooling, Michael J. Mullaney, Malachy P. McHugh, Susan Y. Kwiecien, Neil Ioviero, Andrew Fink, and Glyn Howatson

Curriculum-based yoga and acceptance and commitment training intervention for undergraduate students: A mixed-methods investigation, R. Ashlyne Mullen, Tracy Protti, Jennifer Block-Lerner, Donald R. Marks, Emily K. Sandoz, and Paola Ricardo

The circuitry of the tumor microenvironment in adult and pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma: cellular composition, cytokine profile, EBV, and exosomes, Poonam Nagpal, Dante B. Descalzi-Montoya, and Niraj Lodhi

Internal rotation and chlorine nuclear quadrupole coupling in 2-chloro-4-fluorotoluene explored by microwave spectroscopy and quantum chemistry, K. P.Rajappan Nair, Sven Herbers, William C. Bailey, Daniel A. Obenchain, Alberto Lesarri, Jens Uwe Grabow, and Ha Vinh Lam Nguyen

Neuro Allies: A Graduate Program Offers Neurodiversity Specialization in Autism Two Kean University professors launch an interprofessional track examining autism through a neurodiversity lens, Mahchid Namazi and Joanne Cascia

Analyzing and Predicting Land Use and Land Cover Changes in New Jersey Using Multi-Layer Perceptron–Markov Chain Model, Kikombo Ilunga Ngoy, Feng Qi, and Daniela J. Shebitz

Early Requirement for Bioinformatics in Undergraduate Biology Curricula, Matthew G. Niepielko and Maria Shumskaya

Covid-19 fallout: Interplay between stressors and support on academic functioning of Malaysian university students, Mohammad Noman, Amrita Kaur, and Nida Nafees

A Qualitative Analysis of Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening among Korean Americans, Kyeung Mi Oh, Byeonghwa Park, and Kathryn H. Jacobsen

Substance use in athlete populations: Prevalence and theories, Michael O'Kane and Benjamin Foote

Fight or flight: how gender influences follower responses to unethical leader behaviour, Sheela Pandey, Leisha DeHart-Davis, Sanjay Pandey, and Sucheta Ahlawat

Analysis of Environmental Factors of PM2.5 Concentration in China Based on Feature Selection and Label Construction, Ziyi Pan, Meili Liu, Chun Te Lee, and Jeng Eng Lin

Determinants and consequences of noncompliance with the 2013 COSO framework, Kunsu Park, Juan Qin, Timothy Seidel, and Jian Zhou

Stock Price Forecast Based on ARIMA Model and BP Neural Network Model, Jiaqi Qin, Zheng Tao, Shansong Huang, and Gaurav Gupta

On the adoption of Metaheuristics for Solving 0-1 Knapsack Problems, Yang Qiu, Haomiao Li, Xiao Wang, and Omar Dib

Bioenergy supply chain optimization for addressing energy deficiency: A dynamic model for large-scale network designs, Raza Rafique, Mohsin Jat, Hakeem-Ur-Rehman, and Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery

Star Footwear: Production Capacity Analysis, Raza Rafique, Zahid Shah, and Asim Amjad

Sentiment Analysis on Covid-19 Twitter Data, Amrutha Ragothaman and Ching Yu Huang

Business strategy and systematic risk: Evidence from China, Md Jahidur Rahman, Lantian Jia, and Rakiba Sultana

Monopolistic business practices: Opportunities for entrepreneurs? The case of the big four accounting firms, Md Jahidur Rahman and Rob Kim Marjerison

Volatility of other comprehensive income and audit fees: evidence from China, Md Jahidur Rahman and Tong Wu

Numerical and sensitivity computations of three-dimensional flow and heat transfer of nanoliquid over a wedge using modified Buongiorno model, Puneet Rana and Gaurav Gupta

Nanofluid flow past a vertical plate with nanoparticle aggregation kinematics, thermal slip and significant buoyancy force effects using modified Buongiorno model, Puneet Rana, B. Mahanthesh, Joby Mackolil, and Wael Al-Kouz

Boundary layer flow of magneto-nanomicropolar liquid over an exponentially elongated porous plate with Joule heating and viscous heating: a numerical study, Puneet Rana, B. Mahanthesh, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, K. Swain, and Manisha Devi

Finite element study of bio-convective stefan blowing ag-mgo/water hybrid nanofluid induced by stretching cylinder utilizing non-fourier and non-fick’s laws, Puneet Rana, Vinita Makkar, and Gaurav Gupta

Numerical study based on CVFEM for nanofluid radiation and magnetized natural convected heat transportation, Puneet Rana, S. A. Shehzad, T. Ambreen, and Mahmoud M. Selim

Computational study of three-dimensional flow and heat transfer of 25 nm Cu–H2O nanoliquid with convective thermal condition and radiative heat flux using modified Buongiorno model, Puneet Rana, N. Srikantha, Taseer Muhammad, and Gaurav Gupta

Revisit the implementation status of research data management in Chinese academia, Congjing Ran, Le Yang, and Linxiao Hu

Sentiment Analysis on Consumer Reviews of Amazon Products, Aamir Rashid and Ching Yu Huang

An analysis of a nonlinear susceptible-exposed-infected-quarantine-recovered pandemic model of a novel coronavirus with delay effect, Ali Raza, Ali Ahmadian, Muhammad Rafiq, Soheil Salahshour, and Massimiliano Ferrara

Optimal surveillance mitigation of COVID'19 disease outbreak: Fractional order optimal control of compartment model, Oyoon Abdul Razzaq, Daniyal Ur Rehman, Najeeb Alam Khan, Ali Ahmadian, and Massimiliano Ferrara

Psychological Flexibility, Pain Characteristics and Risk of Opioid Misuse in Noncancerous Chronic Pain Patients, Amanda Rhodes, Donald Marks, Jennifer Block-Lerner, and Timothy Lomauro

Erratum: Estimated sleep duration before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in major metropolitan areas on different continents: Observational study of smartphone app data (J Med Internet Res (2021) 23:2 (e20546) DOI: 10.2196/20546), Rebecca Robbins, Mahmoud Affouf, Matthew D. Weaver, Mark Czeisler, Laura K. Barger, Stuart F. Quan, and Charles A. Czeisler

Estimated sleep duration before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in major metropolitan areas on different continents: Observational study of smartphone app data, Rebecca Robbins, Mahmoud Affouf, Matthew D. Weaver, Mark Czeisler, Laura K. Barger, Stuart F. Quan, and Charles A. Czeisler

Planning in-person and virtual learning through translatable instruction and the early childhood flip: A science example, Dina Rosen and Susan Poage

GraphCovidNet: A graph neural network based model for detecting COVID-19 from CT scans and X-rays of chest, Pritam Saha, Debadyuti Mukherjee, Pawan Kumar Singh, Ali Ahmadian, Massimiliano Ferrara, and Ram Sarkar

Retraction Note: GraphCovidNet: A graph neural network based model for detecting COVID-19 from CT scans and X-rays of chest (Scientific Reports, (2021), 10.1038/s41598-021-87523-1), Pritam Saha, Debadyuti Mukherjee, Pawan Kumar Singh, Ali Ahmadian, Massimiliano Ferrara, and Ram Sarkar

Guest Editorial: Special Issue on “IoT in Flipped Classrooms for Modern Education”, Vijayalakshmi Saravanan, Sujatha Krishnamoorthy, and Xuyun Zhang

A Secure and reliable RFID authentication protocol using digital schnorr cryptosystem for IoT-enabled healthcare in COVID-19 scenario, Mohd Shariq, Karan Singh, Mohd Yazid Bajuri, Athanasios A. Pantelous, Ali Ahmadian, and Mehdi Salimi

URASP: An ultralightweight RFID authentication scheme using permutation operation, Mohd Shariq, Karan Singh, Pramod Kumar Maurya, Ali Ahmadian, and Muhammad Rezal Kamel Ariffin

What is an “arachnid”? Consensus, consilience, and confirmation bias in the phylogenetics of chelicerata, Prashant P. Sharma, Jesús A. Ballesteros, and Carlos E. Santibáñez-López

Entrepreneurial Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Firm Performance: Exploring Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Yan Shen, Qi Wang, Danni Hua, and Zhetao Zhang

Comparison of Text Sentiment Analysis based on Bert and Word2vec, Yifan Shen and Jiahao Liu

Research on Discharge Sound Recognition Based on Machine Learning and Convolutional Neural Network Training Algorithm, Yifan Shen, Yuanzhe Liu, Wenhuan Ye, Yiming Zhang, Juncheng Qian, and Yuqiao Wang

HNO to NO Conversion Mechanism with Copper Zinc Superoxide Dismutase, Comparison with Heme Protein Mediated Conversions, and the Origin of Questionable Reversibility, Yelu Shi, Matthew A. Michael, and Yong Zhang

Athletes, trauma, and posttraumatic stress, Kendahl M. Shortway and Jared Brooks Hammond

Sports and the COVID-19 pandemic, Kendahl M. Shortway and Andrew T. Wolanin

Torque ripple minimization of PMSM using an adaptive Elman neural network-controlled feedback linearization-based direct torque control strategy, R. Sitharthan, Sujatha Krishnamoorthy, Padmanaban Sanjeevikumar, Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, R. Raja Singh, and M. Rajesh

Secure prediction and assessment of sports injuries using deep learning based convolutional neural network, Hesheng Song, xiu-ying Han, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, and Sujatha krishnamoorthy

Dishing up science: Integrated content links history, microbiology, and nutrition, Kim Spaccarotella and Emily Breen

Entropy generation analysis of tangent hyperbolic fluid in quadratic Boussinesq approximation using spectral quasi-linearization method, C. Srinivas Reddy, B. Mahanthesh, P. Rana, and K. S. Nisar

Exploring DNA in biochemistry lab courses: DNA barcoding and phylogenetic analysis, Víctor Manuel Suárez Casanova and Maria Shumskaya

Analysis of farm data using artificial intelligence, K. Sujatha, Manjula Sanjay Koti, and R. Supriya

Artificial intelligence-based solutions for early identification and classification of COVID-19 and acute respiratory distress syndrome, Sujathakrishamoorthy, Surapaneni Krishna Mohan, Veeraraghavan Vishnu Priya, R. Gayathri, and M. Lorate Shiny

The progress of IPS therapy on the heart and neural disease, Changyi Sun

Internet of things-assisted advanced dynamic information processing system for physical education system, Zhijun Sun, Seifedine Nimer Kadry, and Sujatha Krishnamoorthy

Brachypodium distachyon ERECTA-like1 protein kinase is a functional guanylyl cyclase, Brygida Swiezawska-Boniecka, Maria Duszyn, Klaudia Hammer, Aloysius Wong, Adriana Szmidt-Jaworska, and Krzysztof Jaworski

Existence of k -People Stable Alliance in n -Player Cooperative Games, Zheng Tao, Yuanwei Hu, Ziyi Pan, Junyi Zhao, and Dongao Xing

Creative therapeutic interventions for clinicians to promote physical activity in older adults with a history of brain injury: a viewpoint, Jenna Tucker, Ilana Beitscher, Thomas A. Koc, Gabriella Fama, Jinal Patel, and Hannah Friedman

Magic and Byzantine Art, Jacquelyn Tuerk-Stonberg

A framework for maternal physical activities and health monitoring using wearable sensors, Farman Ullah, Asif Iqbal, Sumbul Iqbal, Daehan Kwak, Hafeez Anwar, Ajmal Khan, Rehmat Ullah, Huma Siddique, and Kyung Sup Kwak

Concurrent advances in international economics towards sustainable development in the Era of climate and COVID-19 crises, Sirri Uyanik and M. Yavuz Sucu

Impact of variant reclassification in the clinical setting of cardiovascular genetics, Rebecca E. VanDyke, Sayaka Hashimoto, Ana Morales, Robert E. Pyatt, and Amy C. Sturm

Recognition of brain stroke shape using multiscale morphological image processing, S. Venkata Lakshmi, M. Anline Rejula, K. Sujatha, and A. Ahilan

Microalgae as future superfoods: Fostering adoption through practice-based design research, Maurizio Vrenna, Pier Paolo Peruccio, Xin Liu, Fang Zhong, and Yuchi Sun

On likelihood ratio ordering of parallel systems with heterogeneous exponential components, Jiantian Wang and Bin Cheng

Crisis and Disaster Management of Local Hotels based on Statistics in Ningbo during COVID-19, Lingke Wang

Agglomeration Effect and Economic Growth in Urban System, Qi Wang, Yuan Jun Ge, and Fa Hsiang Chang

Predict Model on Air Quality and Characteristic of Shenyang, Xiao Wang

Clothing Attribute Recognition with Semisupervised Learning, Yilun Wang

An AI to Help Reduce Heating Bills, Ziyi Wang

Athletes’ self-assessment of urine color using two color charts to determine urine concentration, Floris C. Wardenaar, Daniel Thompsett, Kaila A. Vento, Kathryn Pesek, and Dean Bacalzo

Child and adolescent maltreatment, Jane M. Webber and Carol M. Smith

Effects of restoration strategies on vegetation establishment in retired cranberry bogs, Bianca M. Wentzell, Emile D. DeVito, and Daniela J. Shebitz

The Rite of Passage and Digital Mourning in Fang Fang’s Wuhan Diary, Thomas William Whyke, Joaquin Lopez-Mugica, and Zhen T. Chen

Contemporizing the National Style in Chinese Animation: The Case of Nezha (2019), Thomas William Whyke, Joaquin Lopez Mugica, and Melissa Shani Brown

Looking good: Understanding impression management in assessment of athletes, Andrew T. Wolanin and Christina Galese

Organizational models of implementing mental health services for athletes, Andrew T. Wolanin, Eric Laudano, and Donald R. Marks

Nitric oxide sensing revisited, Aloysius Wong, Ningxin Hu, Xuechen Tian, Yixin Yang, and Christoph Gehring

Identification of potential nitric oxide-sensing proteins using the H-NOX motif, Aloysius Wong, Xuechen Tian, Yixin Yang, and Christoph Gehring

The impact of COVID-19 crisis on Zhejiang province, China: Analysis of mental health, government, and socio-economic issues, Xiayu Xu


Far-Field Behavior for Study of Strong Non-planar Shock Waves in Magnetogasdynamics, Sanjay Yadav and Gaurav Gupta

Successful captive breeding of a Malayan pangolin population to the third filial generation, Dingyu Yan, Xiangyan Zeng, Miaomiao Jia, Xiaobing Guo, Siwei Deng, Li Tao, Xiaolu Huang, Baocai Li, Chang Huang, Tengcheng Que, Kaixiang Li, Wenhui Liang, Yao Zhao, Xingxing Liang, Yating Zhong, Sara Platto, and Siew Woh Choo