Content Posted in 2021
2015 - 2019 AFT Full Time-PT Agreement, Kean University
2021-2022 NCAA Division III Manual, Kean University
2021 - 2022 Undergraduate Course Catalog, Kean University
2021 Apr - NJ Public Institution Bond Ratings, Kean University
2021 Mar Board Resolution - Amended Distribution of Annual Fund Balance, Kean University
2021 Mar Board Resolution - Amended Use of Outcomes Based Funding, Kean University
2021 S&P Global Ratings Letter - Part 1, Kean University
2021 S&P NJEFA ratings - Part 2, Kean University
AA_2018-2019_Academic_Affairs_Annual_Summary_Report, Kean University
Aaron Pitney Apprenticeship Certification. May 18, 1789, Joseph Farnworth, William Jepson, Josiah Hart, and George Olcott
Abraham Baldwin to Sarah Kean, March 27, 1830, Abraham Baldwin
Academic Program Assessment Report
Academic Program Assessment Report, Kean University
Academic Program Assessment Report, Kean University
Academic Program Assessment Report, WKU
Academic Program/Student Learning Outcome Quality Check Rubric, Kean University
Accepted Students Webpage, Kean University
Account Book, October 2, 1828, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Account List by William Stephens, March 10, 1783, William Stephens
Account of Estate of Samuel Pitney, May 20, 1820
Account of the Estate of Philip Livingston, May 12, 1846, Hamilton Fish
Accrediting Agencies, Kean University
Address Delivered at the First Anniversary Meeting of the Elizabeth-Town Apprentices' Library Association by Peter Kean, January 7,1822, Peter Philip James Kean
Adjunct Faculty Agreement - July 2015 to June 2019, Kean University
Adjunct Faculty Handbook, Kean University
Administrative Unit Assessment Report Template, Kean University
Adolphus Eugene Watson to Sarah Sabina Kean, November 5, 1830, Adolphus Eugene Watson
Affidavit of Alexander Chisolm Reporting a Burglary, February 14, 1784, Alexander Chisolm
Affordable Learning Initiatives One Year Later: Experiences, Challenges, & Advice, Alison Cole
AFT FT-PT 2015-2019 Agreement, Kean University
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Task Force (AToD), Kean University
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, April 29, 1789, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, August 19, 1789, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, August 5, 1788, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, December 13, 1788, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, February 13, 1789, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, February 5, 1789, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, January 16, 1789, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, July 14, 1789, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, June 16, 1789, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, March 31, 1789, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, March 9, 1789, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Chisolm to John Kean, May 6, 1789, Alexander Chisolm
Alexander Macomb to John Kean, December 27, 1791, Alexander Macomb
Alexander McQueen to John Kean, December 27, 1787, Alexander McQueen
A list of accrediting agencies of individual academic programs, Kean University
A list of external standardized tests, Kean University
A.L. Sligen to Peter Alpaugh, November 15, 1844, A.L. Sligen
American Institute of Architects Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, Kean University
American Theatre, Kean University
A. Morris to Sarah Sabina Morris, May 22, 1805, A Morris
An Address to the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina, August 10, 1814, Stephen Elliott and W.P. Young
Analysis of Capital Improvement Fees vs. Expenses Projected 2020 & 2021, Kean University
Analysis of Univ Ctr Fees vs. Expenses Projected 2020 & 2021, Kean University
Andrew Fitzsimons to John Kean, January 22, 1789, Andrew Fitzsimons
Andrew Fitzsimons to John Kean, January 7, 1789, Andrew Fitzsimons
A New Jersey Act to authorize Peter Kean to fulfill the last will and testament of Peter Van Brugh Livingston, deceased, New Jersey State Legislature
Anna Rutherford to Sarah Sabina Morris, January 20, 1813, Anna Rutherford
Anne Cox to Susan Livingston, Ann Coxe
Announcement of Leadership Council, Kean University
Annual Assessment Report Repository, Kean University
Annual Assessment Results and Recommendations Report, Kean University
Annual Assessment Results and Recommendations Report, Kean University
Annual Assessment Results and Recommendations Report, Kean University
Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report
Annual Conflict of Interest Form Instructions for Board of Trustees, Kean University
AOTA 2020 Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics
Application Website, Kean University
Approval of Attendance at Events, Kean University
Approved Faculty Positions Recommendations 21-22, Kean University
Arch McLean to John Kean, June 16, 1788, Archibald McLean
Arnoldus Vanderhorst to John Kean, August 28,1789, Arnoldus Vanderhorst
Bank of New York with Estate of Peter Kean, April 29, 1830, Bank of New York
Bartholomew Corvaisier and Jane Corvaisier with John Kean, December 3, 1784, Bartholomew Corvaisier and Jane Corvaisier
Bartholomew Corvaisier to John Kean, April 18, 1788, Bartholomew Corvaisier
Bartholomew Corvaisier to John Kean, March 28, 1788, Bartholomew Corvaisier
Bartholomew Corvaisier to John Kean, November 29, 1791, Bartholomew Corvaisier
Bartholomew Corvaisier with John Kean, December 31, 1791, Bartholomew Corvaisier
Bartholomew Corvaisier with John Kean, December 31, 1791, Bartholomew Corvaisier
Bartholomew Corvaisier with Nathaniel Barnwell, Isaac Waight, and Daniel Bourdeaux for Jane Corvaisier, December 31, 1791, Bartholomew Corvaisier
Beaumanoir De Laforest to Susan Kean, April 19, 1789, Beaumanoir De Laforest
Beaumanoir De Laforest to Susan Kean, December 7, 1788, Beaumanoir De Laforest
Beaumanoir De Laforest to Susan Kean, June 29, 1789, Beaumanoir De Laforest
Belcher Noyes to John Kean, June 24, 1788, Belcher Noyers
Benjamin Harrison for Alexander Donald to Donald and Burton, February 12, 1788, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison for Alexander Donald to Donald and Burton, May 26, 1788, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison to Alexander Donald, April 16, 1788, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison to Alexander Donald, December 12, 1785, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison to Alexander Donald, July 29, 1785, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison to Alexander Donald, March 12, 1788, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison to Alexander Donald, May 22, 1785, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison to Alexander Donald, May 24, 1785, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison to Alexander Donald, November 7, 1785, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison to Alexander Donald, October 12, 1785, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison to Unknown Person, May 5, 1785, Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Strong and Archibald Gracie for the Presbyterian Church in Cedar Street, December 19, 1808, Bejamin Strong and Archibald Gracie
Benjamin Wish to John Kean, December 4, 1779, Benjamin Wish
Beverly Randolph for Alexander Donald to Donald and Burton, June 7, 1788, Beverly Randolph
Beverly Robinson to Peter Kean, Beverly Robinson
Beverly Robinson to Peter Kean, February 28, 1822, Beverly Robinson
Beverly Robinson to Peter Kean, July 16, 1828, Beverly Robinson
Beverly Robinson to Peter Kean, June 14, 1827, Beverly Robinson
Beverly Robinson to Peter Kean, March 31, 1826, Beverly Robinson
Beverly Robinson to Peter Kean, May 12, 1828, Beverly Robinson
Beverly Robinson to Sarah Sabina Kean, February 5, 1829, Beverly Robinson
Beverly Robinson to Sarah Sabina Kean, January 29, 1829, Beverly Robinson
B. Garden to John Kean, March 23, 1788, B. Garden
Billing Disputes, Kean University
Bill of Lumber and Notes on Enslaved People, John Kean
Bill of sale from Jerimiah Mulford to N. N. Halsted, December 8, 1814, Jeremiah Mulford
Bill of Sale from Samuel Downer to Caleb Ogden Halsted, May 19, 1817, Samuel Downer
Biography of Lamont Repollet, Ed.D.
Blackboard, Kean University
Blackboard Course Conversion Workbook Template, Kean University
Bloodborne Exposure Control Plan, Kean University
Board of Treasury to Congress Requisition Committee, July 17, 1786, Board of Treasury, Arthur Lee, Walter Livingston, and Samuel Osgood
Board of Treasury to John Kean, February 22, 1787, Board of Treasury, Walter Livingston, Arthur Lee, and Samuel Osgood
Board of Treasury to John Kean, October 19, 1787, Board of Treasury
Board of Treasury to South Carolina Delegates, November 3, 1786, Board of Treasury
Board of Trustees Orientation Program slides, Kean University
Board Resolution - Centennial Opportunity Fund, Kean University
Board Resolution - Climb Higher Fund, Kean University
Board Resolution - Creation of the Global Education Fund, Kean University
Board Resolution - Faculty/Student Research Fund, Kean University
Board Resolution - NJCSTM Fund, Kean University
Bonds and Notes of Peter Lavien & Co., January 1, 1785, Peter Lavien & Co.
Branch Bank of United States, New York to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, January 23, 1802, Branch Bank of the United States, NY
Branding Style Guide, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Break: Interviews/Questions and more, Kean University
Brief Training, Kean University
Brockholst Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, October 27, 1806, Henry Brockholst Livingston
Brockholst Livingston to William Jones, January 27, 1817, Henry Brockholst Livingston
Brockholst Livingston with Asa Rosetter Customs Form, October 20, 1797, Henry Brockholst Livingston
BSN Student Handbook, Kean University
Budget Amendment Guidelines, Kean University
Budget Amendment Request Form, Kean
Budget Department Procedures Manual, Kean University
Business Ethics Guide, Kean University
Business Ethics Guide, Kean University
Business Ethics Guide, Kean University
Cadwallader Colden Jr. to Peter Van Bruch Livingston, August 28, 1760, Cadwallader Colden Jr.
Caleb O. Halsted to Sarah Terrill, October 23, 1816, Caleb O. Halsted
Caleb O. Halsted with Monmouth Bank, December 23, 1825, Caleb Ogden Halsted
Campus Interfaith Inventory, Interfaith Youth Core
Captain Nicholas Garrison to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, October 29, 1755, Nicholas Garrison
Career Services Assessment 2019-2020 ( year end), Kean University
Catalogs, Kean University
Catherine Barclay to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 8, 1824, Catherine Barclay
Catherine Barclay to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, October 6, 1820, Catherine Barclay
CBPM_2018-2019_Accounting_BS_Academic_Assessment_Report, Kean University
CBPM_2018-2019_Public_Administration_MPA_Academic_Assessment_Report, Kean University
CBPM_2020_School_of_Accounting_and_Fiance_Program_Review, Kean University
Center for Advising, Persistence and Success (CAPS), Kean University
Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, Kean University
Chardon to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 17, 1810, unknown Chardon
Charles Austin and Jackson H. Baggatt to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz and Peter Kean, June 23, 1820, Charles Austin and Jackson H. Baggatt
Charles Beck to James M. Wayne, April 28, 1830, Charles Beck
Charles Beck to Sarah Sabina Kean, January 1, 1830, Charles Beck
Charles Beck to Sarah Sabina Kean, July 2, 1830, Charles Beck
Charles Beck to Sarah Sabina Kean, September 23, 1830, Charles Beck
Charles Beck to Sarah Sabina Kean, September 4, 1830, Charles Beck
Charles Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, July 3, 1820, Charles W. L. Livingston
Charles Pinckney to John Kean, September 18, 1786, Charles Pinckney
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz and Catherine, November 24, 1824, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 17, 1825, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 5, 1820, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 11, 1820, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 24, 1825, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, February 28, 1825, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, February 9, 1825, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, January 19, 1809, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, July, 1809, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, July 26, 1811, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, July,3, 1806, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, June 19, 1809, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, June 5, 1809, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 12, 1820, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 24, 1820, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, May 28, 1821, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, May 6, 1824, Christine Biddle
Christine Biddle to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, November 30, 1825, Christine Biddle
_CLA_2017_Communication_MA_Program_Review, Kean University
CLA_2018-2019_Deans_Report, Kean University
CLA_2018_School_of_Psychology_Program_Review_Report, Kean University
CLA_2020_General_Education_Curriculum_Map, Kean University
Closing Remark and Next Day information, Kean University
CLS annual assessment report 2019-2020, Kean University
Clubs and Organizations, Kean University
CNAHS_2018-2019_Biology_BS_Academic_Assessment_Report, Kean University
CNAHS_2018-2019_Deans_Report, Kean University
CNAHS_2020_SESS_Program_Review_Pages_1-16, Kean University
Code of Ethics and Professional Practices
Code of Student Conduct, Kean University
COE_2020_Art_Education_BA_Program_Review, Kean University
Commissioner of Treasury to Unknown, June 3, 1785, Commissioner of Treasury, Walter Livingston, and Samuel Osgood
Community Standards & Student Conduct Forms
Conceptual Framework, Kean University
Conflict of Interest Law, Kean University
Connecting the Kean University Community with Open Educational Resources: A Campus-wide Initiative, Craig J. Anderson, Linda Cifelli, and Chrisler Pitts
Copycat Mass Killings: How Personality Might Moderate Identification with Antisocial Characters, Emily R. Mazzurco
Cornelia Livingston to Peter Kean, July 22, 1818, Cornelia Livingston
Cornelia Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 12, 1820, Cornelia Livingston
Cornelia Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 21, 1818, Cornelia Livingston
Cornelia Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 5, 1817, Cornelia Livingston
Cornelia Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, December 12, 1817, Cornelia Livingston
Cornelia Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, January 25, 1815, Cornelia Livingston
Cornelia Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 5, 1817, Cornelia Livingston
Cornelia Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, May 8, 1817, Cornelia Livingston
Cornelia Livingston with Richard Duncan, January 7, 1814, Cornelia Livingston
Corvaisier Benoist and Company to John Kean, April 10, 1792, Corvaisier Benoist and Company
Cougar Pantry, Kean University
Course syllabus template spring 2021, Kean University
Credit Card Guidelines & Procedures, Kean University
CSMT_2020_SESS_Earth_Science_Environmental_Science_BS_Curriculum_Map, Kean University
Daniel Bache to John Kean, May 18, 1829, Daniel Bache
Daniel DeSaussure to John Kean, April 10, 1792, Daniel DeSaussure
Daniel DeSaussure to John Kean, April 17, 1792, Daniel DeSaussure
Daniel DeSaussure to John Kean, September 25, 1789, Daniel DeSaussure
Daniel Huger to John Kean, November 10, 1786, Daniel Huger
Daniel Huger to Susan Kean, February 10, 1789, Daniel Huger
Daniel John Greene to John Kean, July 22, 1789, Daniel John Greene
Daniel R. Darning for William Buckle to Susan Kean, December 11, 1798, Daniel R. Darning and William Buckle
David Craig with Aaron Pitney, July 24, 1811, David Craig
David Ramsay to John Kean, December 18, 1788, David Ramsay
David Ramsay to John Kean, February 14, 1793, David Ramsay
David Ramsay to John Kean, January 17, 1789, David Ramsay
David Ramsay to John Kean, July 28, 1788, David Ramsay
David Ramsay to John Kean, June 20, 1788, David Ramsay
David Ramsay to John Kean, March 2, 1789, David Ramsay
David Ramsay to John Kean, May 15, 1789, David Ramsay
David Ramsay to John Kean, September 13, 1785, David Ramsay
Dawood Farahi 2019 Opening Day Address
D.B. Ward to John Kean, September 5, 1843, D.B. Ward
D. D. Tunison to Peter Kean, April 7, 1823, D. D. Tunison
Dean & College Level Assessment Report & Recommendations Template, Kean University
Declaration of Margaret Rutledge's Ownership of Cromwell, Mingo, Beck, Vigo, and Billey, August 20, 1785, Margaret Rutledge
Deferred Maintenance Log - Building Analysis, Kean University
Department of Environmental Protection Research
Directions for Public Officer Financial Disclosure Form, Kean University
Disclosure and Record of Invention, Kean University
Dissent and Demonstration Guidelines, Kean University
Distribution of Literature Policy, Kean University
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workshops
Division Assessment Report & Recommendations Template, Kean University
Division of Student Success and Retention, Kean University
Draft Resource Prioritization and Allocation Template for Funding Requests, Kean University
Drafts by Robert Morris to William Livingston and William Scudder, August 22, 1777, Robert Morris
Draft to the Speaker of the House from John Kean, April 29, 1790, John Kean
E. Allen to Susan Kean, July 4, 179?, E. Allen
E.B. Houstoun to Peter Kean, April 14, 1827, E.B. Houstoun
Edmund Randolph for Samuel Beele to Richard Anderson and Nathaniel Anderson, April 10, 1788, Edmund Randolph
Egbert Benson and Children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Houston Statement of Account, March 25, 1822, Egbert Benson
Egbert Benson to Peter Kean, May 1826, Egbert Benson
Electronic File Sharing, Kean University
Elias Budinot to James Morris, September 9, 1800, Elias Budinot
Elizabeth Gough to Susan Kean, c. 1791-1792, Elizabeth Gough
Elizabeth Gough to Susan Kean, March 15, 1791, Elizabeth Gough
Elizabeth Gough to Susan Kean, September 21, 1791, Elizabeth Gough
Elizabeth Houston and John McIntosh Madison in account with Beverly Robinson, July 24, 1826, John H. W. McIntosh
Eliza Gough to Susan Kean, 1791, Elizabeth Gough
Eliza Gough to Susan Kean, April 15, 1791, Elizabeth Gough
Eliza Gough to Susan Kean, January 11, 1791, Elizabeth Gough
Eliza Livingston to John Kean, Elizabeth Livingston
Eliza Livingston to John Kean, Elizabeth Livingston
Eliza Livingston to Susan Livingston, Elizabeth Livingston
Eliza Livingston to Susan Livingston, Elizabeth Livingston
Eliza Livingston to Susan Livingston, Elizabeth Livingston
Eliza Livingston to Susan Livingston, Elizabeth Livingston
Eliza Livingston to Susan Livingston, Elizabeth Livingston
Eliza Livingston to Susan Livingston, Elizabeth Livingston
Eliza Livingston to Susan Livingston, Elizabeth Livingston
Eliza Livingston to Susan Livingston, Elizabeth Livingston
Eliza Livingston to Susan Livingston, July 28, 1785, Elizabeth Livingston
Emma Pyne to Sarah Sabina Kean, April 8, 1830, Emma L. Pyne
E. Rosa Armstrong to Peter Philip James Kean, September 16, 1827, E. Rosa Armstrong
Essex Orphan Court Accounts of Sarah S. Baker, late Sarah S. Kean, Admistratrix of Peter Kean, deceased, 1831, Sarah Sabina Baker
Essex Orphans Court with Christine Alexander William Kean, April 1834, Essex Orphans Court
Essex Orphans Court with John Kean, June 7, 1834, Essex Orphans Court
Essex Orphans Court with Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, June 7, 1834, Essex Orphans Court
Estate Appraisal of Susan Ursin Niemcewicz's Brooklyn Property, September 22, 1843
Estate of Philip Livingston with Hermanus P. Schuyler, August 24, 1824, Estate of Philip Livingston
Estate of Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, January 1, 1837
Examination of Benjamin Williamson, June 15, 1847, Benjamin Williamson
Example of PSLOs aligned with College and University SLOs, Kean University
Excerpt from Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, April 25, 1786, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Extract from the minutes of the Presbyterian Church in Cedar Street to Anthony Day, January 22, 1817, Presbyterian Church in Cedar Street
Facilities & Campus Planning Webpage, Kean University
Factors involved in the host defense against infectious diseases, CSPP
Faculty and Staff hired, Kean University
Faculty Perspectives on OER Research & Practices, Mia Zamora PhD, Nidhi Thakur PhD, Rafael Inoa PhD, and Jin Wang PhD
Faculty Position Requests, Analysis & Recommendations 2021-2022, Kean University
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
'Fannie Lou Hamerʼ is a beautiful bounce back for local theater: review,
Financial Aid and Scholarship Services, Kean University
Financial Aid & Scholarship Services, Kean University
Financial Conflicts, Kean University
Financing your Kean Degree, Kean University
Frances Sutherland to Sarah Kean, May 8, 1814, Frances Sutherland
Free Speech and Dissent Policy, Kean University
French & Blake to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, September 23, 1760, French & Blake
F. Roumage to Peter Kean, July 9, 1828, F. Roumage
Full Ethics Training Email Blast, Kean University
Full-Time Faculty By Ethnicity/Gender, for Fall Semester, Kean University
Full Time Faculty Stats, Kean University
Full Training, Kean University
Future Forward, Giancarlos Miranda
Future of OER: How diversity is being adopted in the OER mission, Tonja Conerly PhD. and Juan Madrid
FY 2018 Financial Statements Report, Kean University
FY 2018 WISS Financial Statements Audit - Management's Responsibilities, Kean University
FY 2019 Financial Statements Report, Kean University
FY 2019 WISS Financial Statements Audit - Management's Responsibilities, Kean University
FY 2020 Financial Statements Report, Kean University
FY 2020 WISS Financial Statements Audit - Management's Responsibilities, Kean University
FY22 - FY24 Budget Projection, Kean University
General Butler to John Kean, June 1, 1785, unknown Butler
General Education Annual Assessment Reports: 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2020-2021
General Education Assessment, Kean University
General Education Program Assessment, Kean University
General Education Student Learning Outcomes, Kean University
George Abbott Hall to John Kean, August 26, 1789, George Abbott Hall
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, August 8, 1796, George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, December 2, 1797, George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, December 2, 1797, George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, February 28, 1797, George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, July 22, 1796, George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, March 26, 1798, George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, May 30, 1798, George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, September 7, 1796, George Van Brugh Brown
George Wood to John J. Chetwood, October 7, 1828, George Wood
GE Program SLO Active Citizenship Rubric, Kean University
GE Program SLO Communication Literacies - Speech Rubric, Kean University
GE Program SLO Critical Thinking Rubric, Kean University
GE Program SLO Diversity Rubric, Kean University
GE Program SLO Ethical Judgment and Integrity Rubric, Kean University
GE Program SLO Quantitative Literacy Rubric, Kean University
GE Program SLOs Rubrics, Kean University
GE SLO Communication Literacies - Writing Rubric, Kean University
GE SLO Information and Technology Literacy Rubric, Kean University
G. Marolles to Peter Kean, February 28, 1816, G. Marolles
G. Marolles to Peter Kean, March 10, 1814, G. Morolles
G. Marolles to Peter Kean, May 14, 1816, G. Marolles
G. Marolles to Peter Kean, November 24, 1815, G. Marolles
Governor Thomas Pinckney to South Carolina Delegates in Congress, July 23, 1787, Thomas Pinckney
Governor William Moultrie to South Carolina Congress Delegates, July 30, 1785, William Moultrie
Governor William Moultrie to South Carolina Delegates in Congress, William Moultrie
Graduate Programs and Enrollments, Kean University
G. Thorburn & Son, Seedsmen and Florists to Sarah Sabina Kean, March 9, 1830, G. Thorburn & Son, Seedsmen and Florists
H. Bleecker to Sarah Sabina Kean, April 21, 1830, H. Bleecker
Hendrick Ladich to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, April 5, 1746, Hendrick Ladich
Henry Barclay to Peter Kean, September 8, 1820, Henry Barclay
Henry Beekman Livingston to Susan Livingston Kean, May 24, 1791, Henry Beekman Livingston
Henry Gahn to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 15, 1811, Henry Gahn
Henry Gahn to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 18, 1819, Henry Gahn
Henry Gahn to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, February 12, 1811, Henry Gahn
Henry Gahn to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, February 15, 1811, Henry Gahn
Henry Gahn to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, February 25, 1811, Henry Gahn
Henry I. Williams to Benjamin Williamson, June 4, 1847, Henry I. Williams
Henry I. Williams to John Kean, March 6, 1835, Henry I. Williams
Henry I. Williams to John Kean, May 20, 1835, Henry I. Williams
Henry I. Williams to Peter Kean, January 2, 1821, Henry I. Williams
Henry I. Williams to Peter Kean, October 2, 1828, Henry I. Williams
Henry I. Williams to Peter Kean, October 5, 1829, Henry I. Williams
Henry I. Williams to Sarah Sabina Kean, April 17, 1830, Henry I. Williams
Henry Knox to John Kean, November 7, 1791, Henry Knox
Henry Stoddard and Joseph Crane to George C. Thomas, August 29, 1834, Henry Stoddard and Joseph Crane
Henry William DeSaussure to John Kean, August 31, 1789, Henry William DeSaussure
Henry William DeSaussure to John Kean, November 9, 1788, Henry William DeSaussure
Henry William DeSaussure to John Kean, October 20, 1791, Henry William DeSaussure
Heritage Months, Kean University
H.G. Tume to John Kean, March 1, 1834, H.G. Tume
History of Pandemics, Jeffrey H. Toney Ph.D.
Homelessness, Dehumanization, and the Role of Empathy, Christina Esker
Horace H. Comstock, John Kean, and William Baker with Norman Little, August 2, 1836, Horace H. Comstock, John Kean, and William Baker
Hunger Task Force, Kean University
ID Card Funds Request Form, Kean University
IE Assessment Workflow, Kean University
IFPTE 2019-2023 Agreement, Kean University
Improving the Outcomes of Hispanics in Computer Science, Kean University
Inclusive and Socially Just Co-learning in the Open, Mia Zamora PhD
Indenture between Henry I. Williams and Estate of Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, Henry I. Williams
Indenture between Sarah Sabina Kean, Peter Van Brugh Livingston, and William G. Bucknor, July 1, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean
Indenture Bill of Sale from Henry Masicar to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August, 1804, Henry Masicar
Indenture Bill of Sale from Tobias Boudinot to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, Tobias Boudinot
Indenture Elenor Wilson, Nicholas A. Wilson, and Nicholas Arrowsmith with Daniel Conklin and later John Kean, December 14, 1829, Elenor Wilson, Nicholas A. Wilson, and Nicholas Arrowsmith
Indenture from Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Peter Kean, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz and Henry Brockholst Livingston
Indenture in Trust with the Estate of Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Indenture of Sarah Sabina Kean, Oliver S. Halsted
Indenture of Sarah Sabina Kean and Looe Baker with William Pennington, December 24, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean and Looe Baker
Indenture Petition of Benjamin Williamson, July 21, 1845, J. Stephen Cumbreleny
Indenture Petition of Henry J. Williams, August 15, 1847, Henry J. Williams
Indenture Sarah Sabina Kean with Jared Nelson and Elihu Price, Jr., December 24, 1828, Sarah Sabina Kean
Indenture to Sarah Kean on the death of Peter Kean, December 29, 1828, George K. Drake
Indoor Air Quality Program, Kean University
Inspection Return of Captain Abraham N. Garrobam
Inspection Return of Captain Almer Dodd, 1813
Inspection Return of Captain Isaac Matthews, 1813
Inspection Return of Captain Jerred Williams
Inspection Return of Captain John Baldwin, June 14, 1813
Inspection Return of Captain Samuel Durand, 1813
Inspection Return of Captain Stephen D. Day, June 14, 1813
Inspection Return of Captain William Williams, June 14, 1813
Institutional Effectiveness Assessment Workflow, Kean University
Institutional Federal Compliance Report - April 2021
Institutional Organizational Chart, Kean University
Institutional Research Fact Book - Fall 2020, Kean University
Internal Funding for Research, Kean University
Introduction, Kean University
Introduction, Muhammad Hassan
Inventory of Peter Kean's Possessions, December 10, 1828, Sarah Sabina Kean
IPEDS Financial Data 2018-2019, Kean University
IPEDS Financial Data 2020-2021, Kean University
Isaac Collins to John Kean, September 29, 1785, Isaac Collins
Isaac Davis to Sarah Kean, April 13, 1830, Isaac L. Davis
Isaac Davis to Sarah Kean, July 29, 1830, Isaac L. Davis
Isaac Dopson to John Kean, August 2, 1789, Isaac Dopson
Isaac H. Williamino in Chancery with the Estate of Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, June 15, 1847, Isaac H. Williamino
Isaac Low to Jellis Fonda, March 30, 1771, Isaac Low
Isaac V. Brown to Sarah Sabina Kean, March 26, 1830, Isaac V. Brown
Jacob Morris to John Rutherfurd, June 21, 1787, Jacob Morris
Jacob Morris to Lewis Morris, October 20, 1821, Jacob Morris
Jacob O. Drake with the Children of Peter Kean, February 8, 1835, Jacob O. Drake
Jacob Read to Joh Kean, September 20, 1790, Jacob Read
Jacob Read to John Kean, April 1, 1790, Jacob Read
Jacob Read to John Kean, June 22, 1788, Jacob Read
Jacob Read to John Kean, March 14, 1792, Jacob Read
Jacob Read to John Kean, November 14, 1791, Jacob Read
Jacob Read to John Kean, October 14, 1791, Jacob Read
Jacob Read to John Kean, September 11, 1789, Jacob Read
Jacob Read to John Kean, September 22, 1789, Jacob Read
Jacques Voorhees with James Pitney, August 22, 1788, Jacques Voorhees
James A. Buchanan to John Kean, February 28, 1793, James A. Buchanan
James Burnet & Co. to John Kean, January 21, 1831, James Burnet & Co.
James Chrystics to Susan Kean, June 25, 1787, James Chrystics
James Cuthbert to John Kean, May 7, 1788, James Cuthbert
James Habersham to William Stephens, July 8, 1788, James Habersham Jr.
James Lloyd with Aaron Pitney, July 24, 1811, James Lloyd
James Lucena and Joanna Leonora Lucena to John Kean, September 1, 1784, James Lucena and Joanna Leonora Lucina
James M. Wayne to Peter Kean, January 26, 1826, John M. Wayne
James M. Wayne to Sarah Sabina Kean, April 8, 1830, James M. Wayne
James M. Wayne to Sarah Sabina Kean, February 16, 1830, James M. Wayne
James M. Wayne to Sarah Sabina Kean, January 12, 1830, James M. Wayne
James M. Wayne to Sarah Sabina Kean, March 6, 1830, James M. Wayne
James M. Wayne to Sarah Sabina Kean, May 1, 1830, James M. Wayne
James Otto Ricketts to James Ricketts, June 24, 1806, James Otto Ricketts
James Otto Ricketts to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, December 6, 1819, James Otto Ricketts
James Shoolbred to John Kean, March 2, 1789, James Shoolbred
Jane Corvaisier and Bartholomew Corvaisier with John Kean, December 2, 1784, Bartholomew Corvaisier and Jane Corvaisier
Jane Corvaisier to John Kean, August 18, 1792, Jane Corvaisier
Jane Grove and John Kean on behalf of Samuel Grove to John Faucherand Grimke, January 1, 1778, Jane Grove, John Kean, and John Faucherand Grimke
Jane Grove with John Kean, June 25, 1778, Jane Grove and John Kean
J.C. Barnet to an Unknown Person, May 13, 1805, J.C. Barnet
J.C. Barnet to Julian Ursin Niemcewicz, May 13, 1805, J.C. Barnet
J. Foot with Peter Kean, January 11, 1814, J. Foot
Johannis Roome to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, November 29, 1740, Johannis Roome
Johnathan Burrall to John Kean, March 6, 1786, Johnathan Burrall
Johnathan Osborn to Benjamin Williamson on behalf of John Kean, Henry I. Williams, Daniel Willis, and Wife, March 12, 1838, Johnathan Osborn
John Barrett Hiccox & Company to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, January 31, 1746, John Barrett Hiccox & Company
John Baylor to Alexander Donald, October 30, 1785, John Baylor
John Baylor to Unknown Person, March 6, 1787, John Baylor
John B. Dask to Susan Kean, January 20, 1787, John B. Dask
John B. Grive to John Kean, September 13, 1789, John B. Grive
John B. Holmes to John Kean, August 7, 1789, John B. Holmes
John Brown to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, April 4, 1780, John Brown
John Brown to Susan Livingston, April 26, 1781, John Brown
John Brown to Susan Livingston, August 5, 1780, John Brown
John Brown to Susan Livingston, December 23, 1780, John Brown
John Brown to Susan Livingston, February 24, 1782, John Brown
John Bull to John Kean, July 13, 1788, John Bull
John Charles Lucena to John Kean, April 24, 1782, John Charles Lucena
John Charles Lucena to John Kean, May 12, 1788, John Charles Lucena
John Cox Morris to Sarah Sabina Baker, June 11, 1829, John Cox Morris
John Faucherand Grimke with Jane Grove, March 3, 1778, John Faucherand Grimke and Jane Grove
John Faucherand Grimke with John Kean, March 1, 1778, John Faucherand Grimke and John Kean
John Faucheraud Grimke Appointed Guardian of his Children, July 29, 1791, John Neufuille
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, April 15, 1790, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, April 2, 1790, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, December 19, 1789, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, February 20, 1790, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, February 9, 1792, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, July 16, 1785, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, July 2, 1785, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, June 13, 1790, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, November 4, 1785, John Faucherand Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, November 4, 1791, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, October 11, 1791, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, October 13, 1785, John Faucherand Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, September 17, 1789, John Faucherand Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, September 18, 1789, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, September 5, 1785, John Faucheraud Grimke
John Faucheraud Grimke with John Kean, November 1, 1791, John Faucheraud Grimke
John G. Barnwell to Peter Kean, July 31, 1817, John G. Barnwell
John G. Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 3, 1815, John G. Barnwell
John Grive to John Kean, March 10, 1788, John Grive
John Habersham to John Kean, December 12, 1788, John Habersham
John Habersham to Peter Kean, February 27, 1817, John Habersham
John Henry Hobart to Peter Kean, February 13, 1822, John Henry Hobart
John H. McIntosh to Peter Kean, May 10, 1823, John H. McIntosh
John J. Roosevelt to Susan Kean, May 17, 1787, John J. Roosevelt
John Kean and Philip Livingston's Letterbook 1794-1795, John Kean, Philip Peter Livingston, and Susan Kean
John Kean Appointed Guardian of Peter Philip James Kean, July 1, 1791, Orphans Court of Philadelphia
John Kean Declaration of Rights, January, 1788, John Kean
John Kean Envelope, August 2, 1786
John Kean, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, and Sarah Louisa Jay Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, September 24, 1825, John Kean, Julia Ursin Niemcweicz Kean, and Sarah Louisa Jay Kean
John Kean, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, and Sarah Sabina Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 25, 1827, John Kean, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, and Sarah Sabina Kean
John Kean, Last Will and Testament, April 18, 1795, John Kean
John Kean on behalf of Stephen Bull and Elizabeth Bowry, April 7, 1777, John Kean
John Kean to Agness Kelsall, March 5, 1784, John Kean
John Kean to Daniel Ramsay, February 3, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Donaldson & Coxe, April 10, 1785, John Kean
John Kean to Eliza Livingston, August 12, 1785, John Kean
John Kean to Eliza Livingston, September 5, 1785, John Kean
John Kean to Frances Ramadge, February 1, 1785, John Kean
John Kean to Jacob Read, February 26, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Jacob Read, February 26, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Jacob Read, March 5, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Jacob Read, September 19, 1789, John Kean
John Kean to John Faucheraud Grimke, September 26, 1791, John Kean
John Kean to Reverend James Carmakau, July 1, 1834, John Kean II
John Kean to Sarah Sabina Baker, April 1, 1835, John Kean II
John Kean to Sarah Sabina Kean, July 19, 1830, John Kean II
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 11, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 14-18, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 19, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 20, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 23, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 23-26 , 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 29, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 29- May 1, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 3, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 5, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 8, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, April 8, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, August 16, 1791, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, August 19, 1791, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, August 26, 1791, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, August 27, 1791, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, August 29, 1791, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, August 31, 1791, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, December 22, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, December 25, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, December 9, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, Evening, September 2, 1791, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, February 10, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, February 25, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, January 18, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, January 24, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, January 27, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, January 27-February 7, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, January 8, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, June 10, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, June, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, June 30, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, June 3, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, March 13-16, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, March 14, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, March 18, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, March 23, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, March 25-27, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, March 26, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, March 27, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, March 28, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, March 30- April 1, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, May 14-15, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, May 16, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, May 2, 1792, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, May 25, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, May 27, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, May 29, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, May 5, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, Morning, September 2, 1791, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, November 20, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, November 25, 1787, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, October 2, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, October 8, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, September 16, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, September 19, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Kean, September 23, 1793, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, August 11, 1786, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, August 12, 1785, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, August 14, 1786, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, August 29, 1786, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, August 4, 1786, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, August 9, 1786, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, December 9, 1787
John Kean to Susan Livingston, February 20, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, July 30, 1786, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, June 22, 1786, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, March 27, 1786, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Livingston, September 27, 1786, John Kean
John Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 14, 1829, John Kean II
John Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, December, 1829, John Kean
John Kean to William Stephens, April 1, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to William Stephens, April 12, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to William Stephens, April 21, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to William Stephens, April 3, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to William Stephens, April 4, 1788, John Kean
John Kean to William Stephens, March 31, 1788, John Kean
John Kean with Alexander Chisolm to Thomas Ogier, May 16, 1787, Alexander Chisolm and John Kean
John Kean with Anthony Rutgers and the Estate of Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 1, 1835, John Kean II
John Kean with Frances Ramadge, January 11, 1782, John Kean
John Kean with James Alvin, March 31, 1835, John Kean II
John Kean with James Dalton West, December 25, 1784, John Kean
John Kean with John Grive, March 11, 1785, John Kean
John Kean with the Estate of Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 9, 1835, John Kean II
John Kean with William Boon, December 21, 1784, John Kean
John Pierce to John Kean, August 8, 1785, John Pierce
John Randolph to St. George Tucker, October 12, 1788, John Randolph
John Randolph to St. George Tucker, September 10, 1788, John Randolph
John Randolph to St. George Tucker, September 15, 1789, John Randolph
John Rhodes to John Kean, July 20, 1789, John Rhodes
John R. Livingston to John Kean, January 19, 1789, John Robert Livingston
John R. Madison and Maria Madison with Peter Kean, August 19, 1820, James R. Madison and Maria C. Madison
John Robertson to W. Wiston, November 11, 1803, John Robertson
John Rutherford to Jacob Morris and Sarah Sabina Morris, January, 1813, John Rutherford
John Rutherfurd to Susan Kean, October 29, 1791, John Rutherford
John Schenck to Aaron Pitney, April 1, 1805, John Schenck
Johnson & Kent to Henry I. Williams and Anthony Rutgers, October 27, 1834, Johnson & Kent
Johnson & Kent to Looe Baker, June 17, 1834, Johnson & Kent
John Stevens to Peter Kean, April 4, 1820, John Stevens
John Stoney to John Kean, December 13, 1788, John Stoney
John Stoney to John Kean, May 22, 1788, John Stoney
John Teser to John Kean, June 29, 1789, John Teser
John Tyler to James Barbour, December 22, 1810, John Tyler
John Tyler to James Barbour, January 14, 1811, John Tyler
John Tyler to James Barbour, January 15, 1811, John Tyler
John Tyler to James Barbour, January 3, 1811, John Tyler
John Tyler to James Barbour, January 9, 1811, John Tyler
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, April 23, 1818, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, April 8, 1828, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, August 10, 1820, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, August 2, 1823, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, December 9, 1813, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, January 22, 1828, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, July 13, 1819, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, July 13, 1820, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, July 16, 1828, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, July 5, 1828, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, June 14, 1828, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, June 3, 1817, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, March 26, 1828, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, May 14, 1828, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, May 30, 1828, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, May 5, 1815, John V. Henry
John V. Henry to Peter Kean, October 10. 1820, John V. Henry
John William Kearney to Peter Kean, April 5, 1823, John William Kearney
John W. Kearny to Peter Kean, July 31, 1817, John W. Kearny
John Woods to William Kain, November 19, 1788, John Woods
Jonathan and William Simpson to John Kean, February 13, 1792, Jonathan Simpson and William Simpson
Jonathan Chetwood to Mary Jouet, August 18, 1828, Jonathan Chetwood
Jonathan Coit to William S. Robinson, February 21, 1799, Jonathan Coit
Jonathan D. Skinner and Rebecka Skinner with Phebe Baldwin, December 26, 1813, Jonathan Skinner, Rebecka Skinner, and Caleb Ogden Halsted
Joseph Abendanone to John Kean, October 11, 1791, Joseph Abendanone
Joseph Anthony to Susannah Kean, May 9, 1791, Joseph Anthony
Joseph Nourse to John Kean, December 23, 1785, Joseph Nourse
Joseph Nourse to John Kean, February 24, 1787, Joseph Nourse
Joseph Nourse to John Kean, July 7, 1785, Joseph Nourse
Joseph Nourse to John Kean, June 20, 1788, Joseph Nourse
Joseph Nourse to John Kean, June 9, 1785, Joseph Nourse
Joseph Nourse to John Kean, November 1, 1787, Joseph Nourse
Joseph Nourse to John Kean, October 4, 1785, Joseph Nourse
Joseph Scott to Peter Kean, January 9, 1818, Joseph Scott
J. Rutledge to John Kean, November 17, 1788, J. Rutledge
Julia Lawrence to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, December 24, 1819, Julia A.K. Lawrence
Julian Ursin Niemcewicz's Letterbook, 1799-1800, Julian Ursin Niemcewicz
Julian Ursin Niemcewicz to John Kean and Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, April 24, 1829, Julian Ursin Niemcewicz
Julian Ursin Niemcewicz to Peter Kean, Julian Ursin Niemcewicz
Julian Ursin Niemcewicz to Peter Kean, February 12, 1815, Julian Ursin Niemcewicz
Julian Ursin Niemcewicz to Sarah Sabina Kean, April 23, 1829, Julian Ursin Niemcewicz
Julian Ursin Niemcewicz to Sarah Sabina Kean, March 27, 1830, Julian Ursin Niemcewicz
Julian Ursin Niemcewicz to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 14, 1803, Julian Ursin Niemcewicz
Julian Ursin Niemcewicz to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, November 15, 1801, Julian Ursin Niemcewicz
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz and Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, February 15, 1831, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean and Sarah Sabina Baker
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean and John Kean to Jacob Morris, December 28, 1824, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean and John Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean and Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, April 11, 1828, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean and Sarah Sabina Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, Peter Kean, and Sarah Louisa Jay Kean to Sarah Sabina Kean, September 8, 1828, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, Peter Philip James Kean, and Sarah Louisa Jay Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, Peter Kean, and Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, January 22, 1828, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, Peter Philip James Kean, and Sarah Sabina Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, Sarah Louisa Jay Kean, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, and Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, January 30, 1828, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, Sarah Louisa Jay Kean, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, and Sarah Sabina Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, Sarah Sabina Kean, and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to John Kean, February 7, 1828, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, Sarah Sabina Kean, and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, Before 1833, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, December 3, 1830, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, February 11, 1831, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, February 5, 1831, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, January 31, 1830, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, June 28, 1834, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, June 3, 1834, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, March 16, 1834, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, March 26, 1834, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, November 19, 1830, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, November 9, 1830, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, October 13, 1830, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, September 21, 1830, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean wrote to John Kean, June 12, 1835, Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
J. Winne Jan to Peter Kean, March 10, 1827, J. Winne Jan
Kean Admissions Office, Kean University
Kean Assessment Plan & REPORT Rubric (Academic), Kean University
Kean Athletics Student-Athlete Compliance Paperwork, Kean University
Kean Brand, Kean University
Kean College of New Jersey Excellence and Accountability Report, August 1996, Kean University
Kean Counseling Center, Kean University
Kean Foundation Scholarships, Kean University
Kean Joins ‘Culture of Respect Collective’ to Proactively Address Sexual Violence, Kean University
Kean McNair Scholars Program, Kean University
Kean Ocean, Kean University
Kean Online, Kean University
Kean Partners with County Colleges on Pathway to Kean Program, Kean University
Kean Physical Therapy Program Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) Evaluation Form, Kean University
Kean Program Review - BA Biology 2019, Kean University
Kean Quest Volume 3, Issue 2, Spring 2021, Kean Quest
Kean Quest, Volume 4, Issue 1, Fall 2021
Kean Recognized for Social Mobility and Ethnic Diversity by U.S. News & World Report, Kean University
Kean Restart Plan 2021, Kean University
Kean Scholar Academy, Kean University
Kean’s Next Strategic Plan, Kean University
Kean Stage Presents Reel Abilities Film Festival Virtually This November,
Kean Student Experience - Ellucian CRM Advise, Kean University
Kean Students Are Ballot Bowl Champs
Kean Students Perform With Patti LuPon, Kean University
Kean University Behavior Intervention Team (KUBIT)., Kean University
Kean University Institutional Profile 2006-2007, Kean University
Kean University Institutional Profile 2012, Kean University
Kean University Institutional Profile 2014, Kean University
Kean University Institutional Profile 2015, Kean University
Kean University Institutional Profile 2017, Kean University
Kean University Institutional Profile 2018, Kean University
Kean University Institutional Profile 2019, Kean University
Kean University Institutional Profile 2020, Kean University
Kean University Institutional Profile 2021, Kean University
Kean University Intellectual Property Rights, Kean University
Kean University LSAMP Program, Kean University
Kean University - Policy, Kean University
Kean University Policy on Resolution of Student Complaints, Kean University
Kean University Presidential Search, Kean University
Kean University Recusal Template, Kean University
Kean University Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures (Title IX), Kean University
Kean University Student-Athlete End of Season Survey – 2020-21
Kean University Student Learning Outcomes, Kean
Kean WIFI Upgrade Invoice, Kean University
Kean|Workday, Kean University
KUAFF Adjunct Faculty Agreement 2015-2019, Kean University
Land Grant from William Penn to E. Shippen, G. Owens, and J. Logan, July 11, 1686, William Penn
Last Will and Testament of David Ogden, November 12, 1776, David Ogden
L. Bradish to Peter Kean, February 21, 1820, L. Bradish
L. Bradish to Peter Kean on behalf of Lionel Collins, November 7, 1827, L. Bradish
Learning Management System (LMS) Task Force, Kean University
Legal Indenture John Bergen to Peter Kean, March 18, 1811, John Bergen
Legal Indenture of Nicholas Arrowsmith to Peter Kean, October 23, 1811, Nicholas Arrowsmith
Legal Indenture of Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, Peter Philip James Kean
Legal Indenture Regarding Peter Van Brugh Livingston and His Wife, Mary Alexander, and, Robert Livingston, July 8, 1763, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Leonard Bleecker to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, Leonard Bleeker
LeRoy, Bayard & McEvers to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, September 21, 1802, LeRoy, Bayard & McEvers
Lewis Morris to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, February 24, 1756, Lewis Morris
Lewis William Otto to John Kean, March 18, 1787, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Kean, April 21, 1789, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Kean, February 20, 1788, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Kean, January 25, 1788, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Kean, June 12, 1789, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Kean, June 23, 1789, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Kean, March 1, 1788, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Kean, May 15, 1789, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Kean, November 19, 1788, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Kean, November 8, 1788, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Livingston Kean, January 19, 1789, Lewis William Otto
Lewis William Otto to Susan Livingston, October 16, 1783, Lewis William Otto
Light in the Darkness: A Chronotopic Analysis of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Bingxian Wu
List of Books and Papers sent to John Kean, June 21, 1791
List of Cattle Sent by Robert Livingston, August 18, 1756, Petrus D'Witt
List of Cattle Sent by Robert Livingston, July 28, 1756, Petrus D'Witt
List of China and Glasses, June 1831
Livingston and All Received form Executors of Robert Hunter Morris, July 26, 1768, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Looe Baker to John Kean, February 20, 1831, Looe Baker
Looe Baker to Sarah Sabina Kean, 1828 or 1829, Looe Baker
Mahlon Dickerson to Peter Kean, December 15, 1817, Mahon Dickerson
Mahlon Pitney and Caroline Pitney to Dalrymple Family, December 29, 1820, Maholn Pitney, Samuel P. Dalrymple, John Dalrymple, Phebe Ann Dalrymple, and Frederick B. Dalrymple
Map of lot sold by William Hartshorne and John Hartshorne to Aaron Pitney, March 26, 1814, Obadiah Herbert
Margaret Armstrong to Susan Kean, c. 1790, Margaret Armstrong
Margaret Armstrong to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, February 11, 1823, Margaret Armstrong
Margaret Livingston to John Kean, 1788, Margaret Livingston
Margaret Livingston to John Kean, July 16, 1788, Margaret Livingston
Margaret Livingston to John Kean, March 31, 1789, Margaret Livingston
Margaret Livingston to John Kean, May 7, 1790, Margaret Livingston
Margaret Livingston to John Kean, November 22, 1789, Margaret Livingston
Margaret Livingston to Susan Kean, July 11, 1788, Margaret Livingston
Margaret Marshall to Susan Kean, July 13, 1791, Margaret Marshall
Margaret Rutlege to John Kean, August 21, 1785, Margaret Rutledge
Margaret Rutlege with John Kean Concerning Mr. Ramage, August 20, 1785, Margaret Rutledge
Maria Banyer to Peter Kean, June 29, 1818, Maria Banyer
Maria Banyer to Sarah Sabina Kean, May 11, 1827, Maria Banyer
Maria E.P. Ricketts to Christine Williams, March 5, 1806, Maria E.P. Ricketts
Maria E.P. Ricketts to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 6, 1806, Maria E.P. Ricketts
Maria Palmer to Peter Philip James Kean, July, 1817, Maria Palmer
Martha Laurens Ramsay to John Kean, December 20, 1788, Martha Laurens Ramsay
Mary Ann Cooper and Isaac Cooper to Sarah Sabina Kean and Peter Kean, November 17, 1817, Mary Ann Cooper and Isaac Cooper
Mary Livingston to John Kean, October 13, 1788, Margaret Livingston
Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 Epidemiology to Health Economics, Patrick Smith
M. Cassinove to Susan Kean, January 29, 1799, M. Cassinove
M. Cassinove to Susan Kean, July 6, 179?, M. Cassinove
Media Release Form, Kean University
Memoir of Julian Ursin Niemcewicz by Karola Kniaziewicza, 1835, Karola Kniaziewicza
Memorandum and Survey about Wolf Harbour Lands, October 31, 1785, Jonathan Crane
Mentorship Program Introduces Kean University Students to Entertainment Careers, Kean University
Merit Scholarships for New Incoming Students
Mission of the College of Education, Kean University
M. McConnell to John Kean, February 17, 1792, M. McConnell
Mr. Bradish to Sarah Sabina Kean, April 28, 1817, Bradish
Mr. Ogden and Mrs. Ogden to Susan Kean, December 30, 1797, Unknown Ogden
Mrs. Barnet to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, October 14, 1807, unknown Mrs. Barnet
Nathaniel Greene to Unknown and Robert Morris to Nathaniel Greene, September 11, 1782, Nathaniel Greene and Robert Morris
National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, Kean University
National Education Association Code of Ethics for Educators, Kean University
N. Bayard to Peter Kean, May 15, 1816, N. Bayard
Need Based Merit Scholarships, Kean University
Net Price Calculator, Kean University
New Degree Program Procedures, Kean University
New Freshmen Merit Scholarships, Kean University
New Jersey State Ethics Commission, Kean University
New York Insurance Office to Philip Livingston for John Kean, March 5, 1795, New York Insurance Office
Nicholas Houtschilt to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, March 1, 1751, Nicholas Houtschilt
Ninash Foundation: Compassion in Action, A Kitchen Table Local Charity, Ashok K. Malhotra Ph.D
NJ Administrative Code - Chapter 34C: Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee, Kean University
NJ Administrative Code, Title 9A-Higher Education, OSHE
NJCSTM_2018-2019_Deans_Report, Kean University
NJLESA 2011-2015 Agreement, Kean University
NJLESA 2011-2015 Amendments, Kean University
NJ Peer Institution Faculty Ratio Comparison
NJSOLEA 2015 - 2019 Agreement, Kean University
NJSOLEA 2015-2019 Amendments, Kean University
NJSPBA-SLEU 2011-2015 Agreement, Kean University
No. 3, Office of Finance, between 1782-1783, Robert Morris, William Duer, and United States Superintendent of Finance
NWGC_2018-2019_Deans_Report, Kean University
OCIS Helpdesk Portal, Kean University
OCIS Webpage, Kean University
OER adoptees, Medora Huseby Ph.D.
OER adoption, Wafa Orman Ph.D.
OER Adoption: Strategies and Returns, nidhi thakur Dr.
OER Authorship, Anthony Palmiotto
OER Conference, Kean University
OER:Technology and Design, Alaa K. Al-Makhzoomy
OER Texts and Annotation Tools in First Year Composition, Agie Markiewicz-Hocking
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Kean University
Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Office of Student Government, Kean University
O. H. Spencer to Peter Philip James Kean, May 17, 1826, O. H. Spencer
OIE Support Site, Kean University
OIE Webpage, Kean University
Online Training Ethics, State of New Jersey
Open Access Resources for Economics, Homa Zarghamee PhD.
Open Educational Resource (OER)Task Force, Kean University
Opening Address: President of Kean University, Lamont Repollet Ed. D.
Opening Paths to Student Satisfaction and Success: Can Open Educational Resources Help?, Dr. Shanggeun Rhee, Dr.Ipek Kocoglu, and Nesreen El-Rayes
Open Stax, Daniel Williamson
Oration Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church in Elizabethtown, NJ... Before the Cincinnati Society by Peter Kean, July 4, 1823, Peter Philip James Kean
Order of Discharge Estate of Susan Ursin Niemcewicz with Henry I. Williams, June 22, 1845, Oliver S. Halsted
Ordinance from the Senate and House of Representative of South Carolina, March 22, 1786, John Faucheraud Grimke and John Lloyd
OSSR Administrative Program Review-2016-2021, Kean University
OSSR Fall 2019 Program Evaluation, Kean University
OSSR Spring 2020 Program Evaluation, Kean University
Outside Activities Form, Kean University
Papers delivered by Mr. Pennington to Beverly Robinson, Beverly Robinson
Participation Report on the Kean USA-WKU Exchange Program, Kean University
PASSPORT, EEO, Kean University
Pathway to Kean, Kean University
Patient's Privacy Rights, Kean University
Permission to Travel from Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, May 26, 1810, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Peter Augustus Jay to Peter Kean, January 18,1819, Peter Augustus Jay
Peter Goclot to Susan Kean, May 29, 1787, Peter Goclot
Peter Kean and Sarah Kean to Isaac Cooper, June 3, 1813, Peter Philip James Kean and Sarah Sabina Kean
Peter Kean and Sarah Sabina Kean to Isaac Cooper, February 5, 1813, Peter Philip James Kean and Sarah Sabina Kean
Peter Kean and Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, March 27, 1828, Peter Philip James Kean and Sarah Sabina Kean
Peter Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to John Rutherford, July 5, 1823, Peter Philip James Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Peter Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Sarah Sabina Kean, July 18, 1815, Peter Philip James Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Peter Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz with Henry I. Williams, July 16, 1827-February 15, 1828, Henry I. Williams
Peter Kean's Letterbook, July 29, 1809- June 11, 1810, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean Speech, July 4, 1818, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Abner Parcel, March 29, 1826, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to an Unknown Person, August 14, 1813, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Charles Ludlow, October 28. 1813, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to F. Roumage, July 10, 1828, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Isaac Cooper, July 7, 1817, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Isaac Cooper, May 13, 1813, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to John Cox Morris, March 17, 1814, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to John Kean, April 15, 182?, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to John Kean, December 12, 182?, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to John Kean, February 3, 1828, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to John Kean, January 10, 1825 or 1826, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to John Rutherford, April 6, 1815, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Jonas Wade, June 27, 1818, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Jonathan J. Chetwood, July 14, 1828, Peter Philip James Kean and Jonathan J. Chetwood
Peter Kean to J. R. Livingston, July 14, 1820, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to L. Bradish, June 13, 1827, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Mary Morris, February 3, 1820, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Richard Duncan, December 11, 1813, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Sarah Kean, November 2, 1813, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Sarah Sabina Morris, December 27, 1812, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 14, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 17, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 28, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 20, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, December 16, 1808, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, December 28, 1808, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, February 19, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, February 8, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, January 18, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, January 2, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, June 29, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 19, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 27, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 3, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 5, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, May 31, 1809, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean Travel Journal, August 16-21, 1813, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean with Amos Scudder, October 22, 1827, Peter Philip James Kean and James M. Wayne
Peter Kean with David Magie, June 30, 1827, David Magie
Peter Kean with Philip Livingston's Estate, January 25, 1814, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean with Susan Niemcewicz Statement of Estate, March 3, 1818, Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Lyons to Alexander Donald, May 6, 1786, Peter Lyons
Peter Lyons to Unknown Person, December 10, 1785, Peter Lyons
Peter Seton Henry to Sarah Sabina Kean, March 17, 1830, Peter Seton Henry
Peter Seton Henry to Sarah Sabina Kean, September 7, 1829, Peter Seton Henry
Peter Van Brugh Livingston for Mary Alexander to Moses Franks, July 17, 1756, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, April 25, 1786, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, April 27, 1791, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, August 12, 1788, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, February 2, 1792, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, February 28, 1788, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, January 3, 1789 and January 6, 1789, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, July 28, 1788, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, June 22, 1789, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, June 23, 1788, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, March 13, 1789, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, March 7, 1788, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to John Kean, September 4, 1788, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to Peter Kean, September 15, 1817, Peter Van Brugh Livingston II
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to Susan Kean, April 16, 1789, Peter Van Brugh Livingston I
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to Susan Kean, January 16, 1789, Peter Van Brugh Livingston I
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to Susan Kean, May 20, 1789, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 18, 1820, Peter Van Brugh Livingston II
Peter Van Brugh Livingston with John Kean, September 9, 1791, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston with Philip Livingston, January 19, 1792, Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston with Robert Eoff, January 27, 1786, Peter Van Brugh Livingston I
Peter Van Brugh Livingston with Samuel Nuttman, October 16, 1765, Peter Van Brugh Livingston and Samuel Nuttman
Petition of Benjamin Williamson, July 11, 1847, Benjamin Williamson
Petter Thomson to John Kean, October 16, 1789, Petter Thomson
Philip A. N. Delegal to John Kean, Philip A.N. Delegal
Philip C. Johnson to Peter Kean, March 31, 1828, Philip C. Johnson
Philip Delegal to William Stephens, August 18, 1789, Philip Delegal
Philip Livingston and Peter Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, November 19, 1803, Philip Peter Livingston and Peter Philip James Kean
Philip Livingston to James Ricketts, January 19, 1804, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to James Ricketts, Saturday Afternoon, Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Kean, August 26, 1791, Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Kean, December 4, 1791, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Kean, December 8, 1791, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Kean, January 15, 1793, Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Kean, July 6, 1791, Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Kean, June 24, 1789, Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Kean, March 1, 1793, Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Kean, November 11, 1791, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Kean, November 30, 1791, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Kean, October 13, 1791, Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston to John Rutherford, March 8, 1796, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to Susan Kean, August, 1799, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to Susan Kean, March 27, 1790, Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston to Susan Kean, March 27, 1799, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to Susan Kean, March 5, 1790, Philip Livingston
Philip Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 1801, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 10,1801, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, July, 1803, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 6, 1801, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, November 1, 1804, Philip Peter Livingston
Philip Ricketts to Peter Kean, February 20, 1827, Philip Ricketts
Physical Therapist Clinical Performance Instrument for Students, Kean University
Pierce Long to John Sparhawk, November 10, 1781, Pierre Long and Nathaniel Forsom
Plain Language Guide, Kean University
Plain Language Guide, Kean University
Points of Engagement: What is the Open Textbook Collaborative and How to Get Involved, Robert Hilliker and Marliyn Ochoa
Policy on Resolution of Student Complaints
Policy on the Resolution of Student Complaints, Kean University
Polly Therny to Aaron Pitney, April 13, 1796, Polly Therny
President Advisory Council Reference, Kean University
Problem Solving Procedures, Kean University
Procurement Code of Ethics, Kean University
Procurement Policy Manual, Kean University
Professional Development Center Draft Proposal, Kean University
Prof. Krishna Rajagopal, Dean for Digital Learning, MIT - A Fireside Chat with Jeffrey H. Toney, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of Research at Kean University, Krishna Rajagopal Ph.D
Program Assessment Dean Summary Template, Kean University
PSLO alignment template by OAA, Kean University
Purchasing Code of Ethics, Kean University
P. Van Berckle to Susan Livingston, December 6, 1786, P. Van Berckle
Quick Facts: 2019 - 2020, Kean University
Racial Discrimination of Gay Men In Online Dating, Abel P. Morais Jr.
Ralph Izard to John Kean, November 11, 1791, Ralph Izard
Ralph Izard to John Kean, October 22, 1793, Ralph Izard
Reappointment calendar for Lecturers, Kean University
Reappointment schedule for First-year faculty, Kean University
Receipt for Annual Taxes, November, 1828
Receipt from Elias Darby to Enos Woodruff, September 20, 1834, Elias Darby
Receipt from Hull & Bently to Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Ogden, October 1828, Hull & Bently
Receipt from Jacob Mark and Philip Mark, June 24, 1788, Jacob Mark and Philip Mark
Receipt from John Page to Thomas B.C. Dayton, January 3, 1834, John Page
Receipt from Samuel Goodwin, May 12, 1838, Samuel Goodwin
Receipt from Thomas S. Earle to William Mitchele, June 7, 1832, Thomas S. Earle
Receipt from William Judson to Mrs. Palmer, October 8, 1828, William Judson
Receipt of Securities of the Estate of Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, January 14, 1837
Receipt to pay Servant Society, September 21, 1839, Servant Society
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Grant
Report of the Committee Appointed to Consider the Resolutions of Congress, February 11, 1785, John Sandford Darh and Felix Warley
Request for Capital Project Budget Form, Kean University
Request for Check Authorization, Kean University
Research Days, Kean University
Research Days Participation Summary, Kean University
Research Divisions Annual Assessment Results and Recommendations Report 2020-2021, Kean University
Residential Occupancy Report 2016 -2020
Residential Student Services Handbook, Kean University
Residential Student Services Handbook
Resource Prioritization and Allocation Template for Funding Requests, Kean University
Resources to Fight Fake News, Patricia W. Lauro
Respiratory Protection Program, Kean University
Respondus Lockdown Browser, Kean University
Retention Management System Plus - Student Retention Suite
Reuben Sherwood to Sarah Sabina Kean, April 8, 1830, Reuben Sherwood
Richard Duncan to Peter Kean, April 19, 1813, Richard Duncan
Richard Duncan to Peter Kean, December 4, 1813, Peter Philip James Kean
Richard Duncan to Peter Kean, July 13, 1813, Richard Duncan
Richard Duncan to Peter Kean, May 11, 1813, Richard Duncan
Richard Ellis to John Kean, June 6, 1789, Richard Ellis
Richard Habersham to Peter Kean, April 11, 1814, Richard W. Habersham
Richard Habersham to Peter Kean, June 2, 1815, Richard W. Habersham
Richard Habersham to Peter Kean, May 28, 1814, Richard W. Habersham
Richard Keating to John Kean, September 28, 1789, Richard Keating
Richard Shubrick to John Kean, Executor of Samuel Grove, January 13, 1793, Richard Shubrick and Shubrick & Clempson
Richard Shubrick to John Kean, January 15, 1793, Richard Shubrick and Shubrick & Clempson
Richard Shubrick to John Lucina, Joanna Lucina, and John Kean, Executors of Peter Lavien, January 15, 1793, Richard Shubrick and Shubrick & Clempson
Richard Shubrick to the Estate of John Pitt, January 15, 1793, Richard Shubrick and Shubrick & Clempson
Richard Tunisson to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, April 17, 1802, Richard Tunisson
Richard W. Habersham to Peter Kean, April 10, 1818, Richard W. Habersham
Richard W. Habersham to Peter Kean, August 19, 1815, Richard W. Habersham
Richard W. Habersham to Peter Kean, August 19, 1818, Richard W. Habersham
Richard W. Habersham to Peter Kean, March 9, 1816, Richard W. Habersham
Richard W. Habersham to Peter Kean, May 14, 1817, Richard W. Habersham
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, April 19, 1789, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, August 27, 1788, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, December 24, 1789, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, February 21, 1785, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, February 3, 1785, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, July 21, 1791, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, March 11 and April 25, 1790, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, March 7, 1785, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, November 20, 1789, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, November 24, 1786, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to John Kean, September 3, 1791, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Susan Kean, February 1, 1799, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 5, 1808, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, December 1, 1802, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, February 29, 1808, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, January 1, 1805, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, June 21, 1808, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March, 1808, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, May, 1809, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, September 29, 1808, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Unknown Person, April 19, 1789, Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell to Unknown Person, c. 1794, Robert Barnwell
Robert Beverly to Alexander Donald, October 17, 1785, Robert Beverly
Robert Campbell to Peter Kean, August 20, 1828, Robert Campbell
Robert C. Livingston to John Kean, April 17, 1789, Robert Cambridge Livingston
Robert C. Livingston to John Kean, February 28, 1789, Robert Cambridge Livingston
Robert C. Livingston to John Kean, July 20, 1789, Robert Cambridge Livingston
Robert C. Livingston to John Kean, June 3, 1789, Robert Cambridge Livingston
Robert Livingston to John Kean, March 17, 1789, Robert Cambridge Livingston
Robert Livingston to Messrs Livingston and Alexander for Elisha Sheldon, August 21, 1755, Robert Livingston
Robert Livingston to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Robert Livingston
Robert Morris to George Abbot Hall, May 16, 1783, Robert Morris and United States Superintendent of Finance
Robert Morris to George Abbott Hall, December 12, 1783, Robert Morris
Robert Morris to George Abbott Hall, July 10, 1783, Robert Morris
Robert Morris to George Abbott Hall, October 22, 1783, Robert Morris
Robert Morris to James Brown, June 12, 1793, Robert Morris
Robert Morris to James Brown, October 4, 1789, Robert Morris
Robert Smith to John Kean, October 25, 1783, Robert Smith
Robinson Thomas to Susan Kean, November 4, 1799, Robinson Thomas
R. Pringle to John Kean, February 14, 1789, R. Pringle
Rutherfurd & Livingston vs. Richard Duncan, June 7, 1814, Peter Philip James Kean
S. A. Britton to Peter Kean, March 24, 1823, S. A. Britton
Sample Kean News, Kean University
Samuel Boyd to Peter Kean, March 26, 1822, Samuel Boyd
Samuel Courtauld to John Kean, February 16, 1793, Samuel Courtauld
Samuel Lawrence to John Kean, November 28, 1788, Samuel Lawrence
Samuel Ogden to Peter Kean, January 20, 1815, Samuel Ogden
Samuel Reynold with Aaron Pitney, September 25, 1812, Samuel Reynold
Samuel Stirk to William Stephens, June 30, 1788, Samuel Stirk
Samuel Wilcox to John Kean, August 13, 1788, Samuel Wilcox
Samuel Wilcox to John Kean, December 16, 1785, Samuel Wilcox
Samuel Wilcox to John Kean, December 22, 1785, Samuel Wilcox
Samuel Wilcox to John Kean, February 11, 1792, Samuel Wilcox
Samuel Wilcox to John Kean, June 17, 1789, Samuel Wilcox
Samuel Wilcox to John Kean, May 16, 1789, Samuel Wilcox
Samuel Wilcox to John Kean, October 1, 1788, Samuel Wilcox
Sarah A. Livingston to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 9, 1818, Sarah A. Livingston
Sarah Kean to John Kean, September 2, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Kean to William Pennington, June 23, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Louisa Jay Kean to John Kean, September 29, 1827, Sarah Louisa Jay Kean
Sarah Louisa Jay Kean to Sarah Sabina Kean, May 11, 1828, Sarah Louisa Jay Kean
Sarah Ricketts to Susan Kean, February 3, 1789, Sarah Ricketts
Sarah Ricketts to Susan Kean, June 4, 1789, Sarah Ricketts
Sarah Ricketts to Susan Kean, March 14, 1789, Sarah Ricketts
Sarah Ricketts to Susan Kean, October 7, 1793, Sarah Ricketts
Sarah Ricketts to Susan Kean, September 25, 1793, Sarah Ricketts
Sarah Sabina Baker to E. C. Reynolds, January 17, 1831, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean,, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, 183?, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, 1832 or 1833, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, April 1, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, April 1, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, April 13, 1835, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, April 6, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, April 8, 1835, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, August 9, 1829, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, February 10, c.1832, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, February 1, 1831, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, January 23, c. 1832, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, July 14, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, July 7, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, June 2, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, June 28, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, June 29, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, March 14, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, March 27, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, March 7, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, May 22, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, October 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, October 28, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, September 6, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to J.S. Fountain, April 21, 1834, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Baker to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, September 13, 183?, Sarah Sabina Baker
Sarah Sabina Kean Account with Charles Beck and Aldophous Watson, Charles Beck and Adolphous Eugene Watson
Sarah Sabina Kean and John Cox Morris to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, September 14, 1820, Sarah Sabina Kean and John Cox Morris
Sarah Sabina Kean and Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, January 29, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean and Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean and Peter Kean to Lewis Lee Morris, December 9, 1813, Sarah Sabina Kean and Peter Philip James Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to John Kean, February 24, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Sarah Sabina Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to John Kean, November 4, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Sarah Sabina Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Peter Kean, February 1, 1817, Sarah Sabina Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Sarah Sabina Kean to Beverly Robinson, January 19, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to Isaac Cooper, May 2, 1817, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to Jacob Morris, December 2, 1828, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Cox Morris, December 28, 1820, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean To John Cox Morris, November 23, 1818, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Cox Morris, November 24, 1817, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, April 11, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, December 20, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, February 5, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, July 24, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, July 28, 1828, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, November 15, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, November 24, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, October 1, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, October 19, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, October 26, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, October 9, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Kean, September 25, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to John Rutherfurd, July 21, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to Miss Rutherford, February 15, 1822, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to Mrs. Rutherfurd, April 6, 1828, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to Peter Kean, August 9, 1815, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to Peter Lanman on behalf of Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March 19, 1817, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 15, 1820, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean to Thomas Dayton, November 8, 1830, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean with Abner Parcell, April 1, 1830, Abner Parcells
Sarah Sabina Kean with Abner Parcells, February 16, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Kean with John Lockwood & Henry Durant, March 26, 1829, Sarah Sabina Kean
Sarah Sabina Morris to John Cox Morris, August 13, 1811, Sarah Sabina Morris
Sarah Sabina Morris to Mary Ann Morris, June 22, 1804, Sarah Sabina Morris
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, Kean University
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Schedule of Peter Kean's Estate, November 9, 1815, Peter Philip James Kean
Schizophrenia and Prison Life, Sofia Enes
Screenshot: Curriculum Map, OAA, Kean University
Screen Shot of Exit Survey Page given to graduates, Kean University
Screen Shot of Kean OAA website for public access of assessment reports, Kean University
Screen Shot of Kean OAA website for public access of other assessment products, Kean University
Search Committee Guidelines, Kean University
S.E. Dwight and H.E. Dwight to Looe Baker, April 12, 1830, S.E. Dwight and H.E. Dwight
Senate Act Signed by John Lewis Gervais, February 26, 1782, John Lewis Gervais
SENATE, No. 1265 | 120 credits, STATE OF NEW JERSEY
September 28, 2021 University Senate Minutes, Kean University
Sexual Assault, Misconduct and Violence
Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights
Shubrick & Clempson to John Kean, November 8, 1783, Shubrick & Clempson
Shubrick & Clempson to Mrs. Jane Grove, March 12, 1779, Shubrick & Clempson
Sir Peyton Skipwith to Alexander Donald, October 22, 1785, Peyton Skipwith
Sister to Susan Kean, October 11, 1791
Skylands, Kean University
Smith Pyne to Sarah Sabina Kean, April 5, 1830, Smith Pyne
Spanish Speaking, Kean University
Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure Plan, Kean University
Standard LOA Rider - Employment Contract, Actors Equity
Standard VI Working Group Meeting Agenda, Kean University
Statement of Account, January 1, 1831
State of New Jersey Model Procedures for Processing Internal Complaints Alleging Discrimination in the Workplace, Kean University
Stephen Drayton to John Kean, June 30, 1785, Stephen Drayton
Stephen Drayton to John Kean, October 20, 1783, Stephen Drayton
Stephen Drayton to South Carolina Delegates in Congress, April 18, 1786, Stephen Drayton
Steven Ramsay & Co. to John Kean, January 17, 1789, Steven Ramsay & Co.
St. George Tucker to Unknown Person, March 25, 1789, St. George Tucker
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Kean University
Student Affairs' Student Success Surveys
Student Course Evaluations, Kean University
Student Perceptions of Condensed Courses and Motivations for Enrolling: Are Some Students Scared To Enroll?, Akiva Gornish
Student Profile - Student Enrollment Stats, Kean University
Student Service Guidance - Wenzhou-Kean University
Student Success and Retention Webpage, Kean University
Student Town Hall, Kean University
Student Town Hall, Kean University
Subscription for New-York Farmer, January 5, 1835
Sundries to be provided by Robert Livingston, May 8, 1755
Supervisory Conflict of Interest Form, Kean University
Supervisory Conflict of Interest Form, Kean University
Susan Kean Account Book, 1793- 1801, Susan Kean
Susan Kean notes on "Man-Servants Work", 1794, Susan Kean
Susan Kean to John Kean, January 13, 1788, Susan Kean
Susan Kean to John Kean, March 7, 1788, Susan Kean
Susan's Letter Book, 1796-1806 and Undated, Susan Kean and Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz and Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean to John Kean, September 10, 1830, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz and Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz and Sarah Sabina Baker to John Kean, August 5, 1831, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz and Sarah Sabina Baker
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz's Register of Finances, 1801-1815, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to John Kean, October 12, 1830, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to John Kean, October 8, 1830, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to John Kean, September 18, 1830, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to John Kean, September 2, 1830, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to John Kean, September 29, 1830, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Julian Ursin Niemcewicz, December 26, 1803, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Julian Ursin Niemcewicz, March 11, 1804, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Julian Ursin Niemcewicz, November 1, 1803, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Mary Cox Morris, January 22, 1813, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Peter Kean and Sarah Kean, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Peter Kean and Sarah Kean, August 25, 1818, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Sarah Kean, August 13, 1818, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz to Unknown, March 23, 1820, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz with Peter and Sarah Van Horn, May 2, 1829, Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, Peter Van Horn, and Sarah Van Horn
Tax Receipt to the Heirs William Houstoun, May 2, 1823, N. Jarvis
Teachouts or Third Party Providers Archive, Kean University
Technical Support, Kean University
Technical Support, Kean University
The 16 Principles for Conduct of Intercollegiate Athletics
The Financial Aid and Scholarship Services webpages, Kean University
The Independent, December 21, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, Kean Kollege Kronicle, No. 0, January 30, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 10, November 13, 1980, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 10, November 18, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 11, November 20, 1980, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 11, November 24, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 12, December 2, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 12, November 22, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 12, November 25, 1975, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 13, December 1, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 13, December 7, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 13, December 9, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 14, December 11, 1975, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 14, December 11, 1980, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 14, December 16, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 14, December 8, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 15, December 18, 1975, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 15, February 1, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 15, January 29, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 16, February 10, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 16, February 2, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 16, February 5, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 16, February 5, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 16, February 8, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 17, February 15, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 17, February 17, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 17, February 9, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 18, Febrary 19, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 18, February 12, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 18, February 15, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 18, February 22, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 18, February 24, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 19, February 19, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 19, February 23, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 19, February 26, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 19, March 1, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 19, March 3, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 1, September 11, 1975, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 1, September 16, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 1, September 7, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 1, September 8, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 20, Feburary 26, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 20, March 10, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 20, March 2, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 20, March 5, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 21, March 15, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 21, March 17, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 21, March 5, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 21, March 9, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 22, March 12, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 22, March 16, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 22, March 22, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 22, March 24, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 23, March 19, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 23, March 29, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 23, March 30, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 23, March 31, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 24, April 5, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 24, April 6, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 24, March 26, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 25, April 13, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 25, April 19, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 25, April 21, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 25, April 2, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 25, April 8, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 26, April 15, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 26, April 20, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 26, April 26, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 26, April 28, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 26, April 9, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 27, April 22, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 27, April 23, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 27, April 27, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 27, May 3, 1979, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 27, May 5, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 28, April 29, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 28, April 30, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 28, May 12, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 28, May 4, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 29, May 11, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 29, May 19,1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 29, May 7, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 2, September 14, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 2, September 15, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 2, September 18, 1975, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 2, September 23, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 30, May 14, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 30, May 18, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 30, May 26, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 31, May 21, 1981, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 31, May 25, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 32, July 21, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 3, September 21, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 3, September 22, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 3, September 30, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 4, October 2, 1975, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 4, October 7, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 4, September 28, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 5, October 14, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 5, October 5, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 5, October 6, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 6, October 12, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 6, October 13,1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 6, October 16, 1975, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 6, October 21, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 7, October 19, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 7, October 23, 1975, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 7, October 28, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 8, November 4, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 8, October 26, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 8, October 27, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 8, October 30, 1975, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 9, November 11, 1976, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 9, November 2, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 9, November 3, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, No. 9, November 6, 1975, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, November 30, 1978, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, Sunday Indy, Vol. 1, No. 1, April, 1977, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 10, November 13, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 11, November 20, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 12, December 4, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 13, December 11, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 14, December 16, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 15, January 8, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 16, February 5, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 17, February 12, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 18, February 19, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 19, February 26, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 1, September 9, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 20, March 5, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 22, March 13, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 23, March 19, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 24, March 25, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 25, April 10, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 26, April 17, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 28, April 30, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 29, May 7, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 2, September 18, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 30, May 14, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 3, September 25, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 4, October 2, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 5, October 9, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 6, October 16, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 7, October 23, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 8, October 30, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 10, No. 9, November 6, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 31, September 17, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 32, September 24, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 33, October 1, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 34, October 15, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 35, October 22, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 36, October 29, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 37, November 6, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 40, December 3, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 41, December 10, 1970, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 43, January 7, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 46, February 18, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 47, February 25, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 48, March 4, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 49, March 10, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 50, March 11, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 51, March 18, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 52, March 25, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 53, April 1, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 54, April 8, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 55, April 22, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 56, April 29, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 57, May 6, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 11, No. 58, May 13, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 10, November 18, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 11, December 2, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 12, December 9, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 14, February 3, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 15, February 10, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 16, February 17, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 17, February 24, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 18, March 2, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 19, March 9, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 1, September 10, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 20, March 16, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 2, September 24, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 3, September 30, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 4, October 7, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 5, October 14, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 6, October 21, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 7, October 28, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 8, November 4, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 12, No. 9, November 11, 1971, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 10, November 9, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 11, November 16, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 12, November 30, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 13, December 7, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 14, December 14, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 15, December 21, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 15, February 8, 1973, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 16, February 15, 1973, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 18, March 1, 1973, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 19, March 8, 1973, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 20, March 15, 1973, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 21, March 22, 1973, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 22, April 5, 1973, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 23, April 12, 1973, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 23, April 19, 1973, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 28, May 16, 1973, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 3, September 21, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 4, September 28, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 5, October 5, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 7, October 19, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 8, October 26, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 13, No. 9, November 2, 1972, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 14, No. 8, November 1, 1973, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, Vol. 14, No. 9, December 13, 1973, Kean College of New Jersey
The Independent, Vol. 1, No. 10, May 16, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 1, No. 11, May 23, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 1, No. 12, May 30, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 14, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 1, No. 2, March 21, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 28, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 1, No. 6, April 18, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 1, No. 7, April 25, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 1, No. 8, May 2, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 1, No. 9, May 9, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 10, November 29, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 11, December 14, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 12, January 10, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 13, January 17, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 14, February, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 15, February 7, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 16, February 14, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 17, February 21, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 18, February 28, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 19, March 7, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 1, September 19, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 20, March 14, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 21, March 20, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 22, March 28, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 23, April 11, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 24, May 9, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 2, September 26, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 3, October 3, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 10, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 5, October 17, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 6, October 24, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 7, November 1, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 8, November 8, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 9, November 15, 1961, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 10, October 31, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 11, November 7, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 12, November 14, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 13, November 21, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 14, November 28, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 15, December 5, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 16, December 12, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 17, December 18, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 2, May 16, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 3, May 23, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 4, September 19, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 5, September 26, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 7, October 10, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 8, October 17, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 3, No. 9, October 24, 1962, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 30, 1963, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 11, November 13, 1963, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 13, December 4, 1963, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 14, April 9, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 14, December 16, 1963, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 14, March 4, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 15, April 15, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 16, May 1, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 17, May 8, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 18, May 15, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 1, September 18, 1963, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 5, September 25, 1963, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 9, October 23, 1963, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 10, December 1, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 11, December 9, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 16, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 13, January 13, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 14, January 20, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 15, February 3, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 16, February 10, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 17, February 19, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 18, February 25, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 19, March 4, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 1, September 23, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 20, March 11, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 20, March 15, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 21, March 23, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 22, April 15, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 23, April 22, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 24, April 29, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 24, May 20, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 25, May 26, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 2, September 30, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 3, October 7, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 4, October 14, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 5, October 21, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 6, October 28, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 7, November 4, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 5, No. 8, November 11, 1964, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 10, December 2, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 11, December 9, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 12, December 16, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 13, January 13, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 14, Febraury 10, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 15, February 17, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 16, February 24, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 17, March 3, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 18, March 10, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 19, March 17, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 1, September 13, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 20, March 31, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 21, April 14, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 23, April 21, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 24, April 28, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 25, May 5, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 26, May 12, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 27, May 19, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 28, May 26, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 23, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 30, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 4, October 7, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 6, October 21, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 7, October 29, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 8, November 4, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 6, No. 9, November 18, 1965, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 10, November 17, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 11, December 1, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 12, December 8, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 13, December 15, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 14, January 12, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 15, January 19, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 16, February 10, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 17, February 16, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 18, February 23, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 19, February 28, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 1, September 12, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 20, March 2, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 21, March 7, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 22, March 9, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 23, March 14, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 24, March 16, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 25, April 6, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 26, April 13, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 27, April 20, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 28, April 27, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 29, May 4, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 2, September 22, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 30, May 11, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 31, May 19, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 3, September 29, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 6, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 5, October 13, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 6, October 20, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 7, October 27, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 8, November 2, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 7, No. 9, November 11, 1966, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 10, November 2, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 16, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 12, November 30, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 13, December 7, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 14, December 13, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 15, January 11, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 16, February 8, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 17, February 15, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 18, February 20, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 19, February 22, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 1, September 12, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 20, February 27, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 21, February 29, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 22, March 4, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 23, March 7, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 24, March 14, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 25, March 19, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 26, March 21, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 27, March 28, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 28, April 4, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 29, April 16, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 2, September 14, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 30, April 25, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 31, May 2, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 32, May 9, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 33, May 16, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 3, September 21, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 4, September 28, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 5, October 5, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 6, October 10, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 7, October 12, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 8, October 19, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 8, No. 9, October 26, 1967, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 10, November 21, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 11, December 5, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 12, December 12, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 13, January 9, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 14, February 6, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 15, February 13, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 16, February 20, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 17, February 25, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 18, February 27, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 19, March 4, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 1, September 10, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 20, March 6, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 21, March 11, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 22, March 13, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 23, March 18, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 25, March 25, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 26, March 27, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 27, April 18, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 28, April 25, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 29, May 2, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 2, September 19, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 30, May 9, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 31, May 15, 1969, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 26, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 4, October 3, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 5, October 10, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 6, October 17, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 7, October 24, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 8, Ocotber 31, 1968, Newark State College
The Independent, Vol. 9, No. 9, November 14, 1968, Newark State College
Theodore Sedgwick to Peter Stuyvesant, September 30, 1828, Theodore Sedgwick
Theodorick Bland Randolph and Jack Randolph to their Mother and St. George Tucker, August 1, 1786, Theodorick Bland Randolph and Jack Randolph
Theodorick Bland Randolph to St. George Tucker, December 2, 1789, Theodorick Bland Randolph
The Reflector, April 3, 1936, New Jersey State Normal School at Newark
The Reflector, June, 1936, New Jersey State Normal School at Newark
The Reflector, Special Freshman Issue, September 1, 1959, Newark State College
The Reflector, Vol. 10, No. 2, February 9, 1945, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 10, No. 3, March 29, 1945, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 10, No. 4, June 8, 1945, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 12, 1959, Newark State College
The Reflector, Vol. 11, No. 1, October 11, 1945, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 16, 1945, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 11, No. 3, December 19, 1945, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 11, No. 4, February 19, 1946, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 11, No. 5, March 25, 1946, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 11, No. 6, April 30, 1946, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 11, No. 7, June 12, 1946, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 12, No. 1, October 30, 1946, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 27, 1946, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 12, No. 3, December 18, 1946, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 12, No. 4, January 22, 1947, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 12, No. 5, February 26, 1947, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 12, No. 6, March 26, 1947, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 12, No. 7, April 30, 1947, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 12, No. 8, May 28, 1947, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 13, No. 1, October 10, 1947, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 13, No. 2, November 21, 1947, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 13, No. 3, December 18, 1947, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 13, No. 4, February 4, 1948, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 13, No. 5, February 27, 1948, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 13, No. 6, March 24, 1948, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 13, No. 7, May 7, 1948, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 13, No. 8, June 1, 1948, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 14, No. 1, October 1, 1948, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 14, No. 2, October 27, 1948, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 14, No. 3, December 15, 1948, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 14, No. 4, February 23, 1949, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 14, No. 5, May 4, 1949, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2, 1949, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 10, March 22, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 11, April 5, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 12, May 3, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 13, June 5, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 1, October 13, 1949, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 26, 1949, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 3, November 9, 1949, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 4, November 23, 1949, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 5, December 7, 1949, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 6, December 21, 1949, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 7, January 25, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 8, February 23, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 15, No. 9, March 8, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 10, April 18, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 11, May 3, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 12, June 4, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 1, October 2, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 2, October 18, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 3, October 31, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 4, November 14, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 5, November 28, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 6, December 18, 1950, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 7, February 1, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 8, February 28, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 16, No. 9, March 22, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 10, May 7, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 11, May 26, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 1, September 13, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 2, October 5, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 3, October 26, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 4, November 13, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 5, November 30, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 6, December 20, 1951, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 7, February 1, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 8, February 29, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 17, No. 9, April 1, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 18, No. 12, May 4, 1953, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 18, No. 13, May 25, 1953, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 18, No. 1, September 11, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 18, No. 2, September 22, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 18, No. 3, October 15, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 18, No. 4, October 27, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 18, No. 5, November 11, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 18, No. 6, November 24, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 18, No. 7, December 15, 1952, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark
The Reflector, Vol. 18, No. 7, March 16, 1953, New Jersey State Teachers College at Newark